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论文写作指导:QQ625880526 论文资源网 最专业的论文与设计资源学习、分享平台. 摘 要 本论文主要研究当前人民币升值对我国利用外资产生的影响,全文主要通过以下几个方面来阐述:一、回顾2005年以来人民币的升值历程,并对人民币升值的原因作全面的分析,对人民币升值有一个理性的认识;二、对我国2005年以来利用外资的现状作详细的分析,伴随着人民币的升值,我国引进外资的项目数量有所减少,但实际利用外资金额逐年上升;三、重点分析人民币升值对我国实际利用外资的影响及原因,人民币升值对中国市场型外资的引进有利好影响,对非中国市场型外资主要是不利影响,基于此,人民币升值在客观上也起到了提高我国利用外资质量、优化我国利用外资结构的作用。四、在人民币升值背景下对我国如何利用外资提出建议。 关键词:人民币升值; 利用外资; 策略分析; 中国市场投资型企业;非中国市场投资型企业 Abstract This paper mainly studies the current RMB appreciation the effects of using foreign capital in China. Full text mainly through the following several aspects elaborated: 1.Reviewing 2005 years since the yuan appreciation course, analysis of RMB appreciation reasons, rational knowledge RMB appreciation.2. Analyses the utilization of foreign capital in China since 2005 the status quo, with the rise of RMB, China's introduction of foreign capital project quantity decreased, but the actually utilized foreign capital amount is rising year by year.3. Analysis of RMB appreciation in the influence of the actually utilized foreign capital and the reasons . RMB appreciation have a positive impact on introducing market-oriented foreign investment and have a negative impact on non-Chinese market-oriented foreign capital. Based on this, RMB appreciation objectively also rose to improve China FDI utilization's quality, optimizing the structure of foreign investment use role in China.4. Under the background of the RMB put suggest on how to make use of foreign capital.5. Subject research covers a wider range, so many places have involved only simple elaboration and introduces, detailed slightly proper, brief. Keywords: RMB appreciation; The actually utilized foreign capital; Strategy analysis; 目 录 TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u 一、2005年以来人民币汇率水平的变化及其主要原因 1 (一)2005年以来人民币升值的历程 1 (二)人民币不断升值的原因 1 二、我国利用外资的现状 2 (一)我国利用外资的现状 2 (二)2005年以来我国实际利用外资的情况分析 3 三、人民币升值对我国实际利用外资的影响及原因 4 (一)人民币升值对我国两类外资企业的影响分析 4 (二)人民币升值对我国利用外资质量和结构的影响及原因 6 四、人民币升值背景下我国利用外资的策略分析


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