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第一题:(过程可以写在后面) 学校的毕业话剧演出由四个小美女来出演小红帽、美羊羊、女巫和公主的角色。没人在排练时的角色与演出时的角色不同。 排练时出演小红帽的人会撒谎,通过如下消息,请判断四人在演出和排练时分别出演什么角色。 梅:“排练时,兰的角色是演出时竹的角色。” 兰:“菊排练时扮演的是美羊羊。” 竹:“演出时我演公主。” 菊:“兰演出时扮演的是美羊羊。” 第二题: 解数独题 (数独是九宫格(即3格宽x3格高) ) 正方形状,每一格又细分为一个九宫格,在没一个小九宫格中,分别填上1~9个数字,让每一个大九宫格没一列,没一行的数字都不重复。 8 1 7 4 6 9 4 8 3 3 8 5 2 7 5 6 9 6 6 5 1 1 8 3 1、Which line contains a constructor in this class definition? public class Counter{//(1) int current ,step; public Counter(int startVaue,int stepValue){//(2) set(startValue); setStepValue(steValue); } public int get(){return current;}//(3) public void set(int value){current==value;}//(4) public void setStepValue(int stepValue){step==stepValue;}//(5) } 1)Code marked with (1) is a constructor 2)Code marked with (2) is a constructor 3)Code marked with (3) is a constructor 4)Code marked with (4) is a constructor 5)Code marked with (5) is a constructor 2、An instance member... 1)is also called a static member 2)is always a variable 3)is never a method 4)belongs to a single instance,not to the class as a whole 5)always represents an operation 3、Given the following class,which statements can be inserted at position I without causing the code to fail compilation? public class Q6db8{ int a ; int b=0; static int c; public void m(){ int d; int e=0; //Position 1 } } 1)a++ 2)b++ 3)c++ 4)d++ 5)e++ What is wrong with the following code? Class MyException extends Exception{} Public class qb4ab{ Public void foo(){ Try{ Bar(); }finally{ Baz(); }catch(MyException e){ } Public void bar() throws MyException{ Throw new Exception(); } Public void baz() throws RuntimeException{ Throw new RuntimeException(); } } ) Since the method foo() does not catch the exception generated by the method baz(), it must declare the RuntimeException in its throws clause. ) A the try block cannot be followed by both a catch and a finally block. ) An empty catch block is not allowed. ) A catch block cannot follow a finally block. ) A finally block must always follow one or more catch b


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