《英语1》大学教学课件unit 8Live Arrival Departure Information.ppt

《英语1》大学教学课件unit 8Live Arrival Departure Information.ppt

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Integrated Skills Development e.g. seat seat: n. & v.位子;安排就座 He pointed at a seat nearby and said: “Would you please be seated?” Language Points English I The End 教育部全国成人高等教育规划教材《英语》(非英语专业专科用) * Integrated Skills Development e.g. Jeans are popular with the young. Jogging is a popular form of exercise. Language Points popular (with) popular (with) : a. admired or enjoyed by sb. 受欢迎的 More to learn Integrated Skills Development e.g. Who is your favorite author? “Mary” is a very popular name for girls. Language Points popular (with) : a. admired or enjoyed by sb. 受欢迎的 popular (with) Synonym: favorite a.: best liked 最受喜爱的 popular与favorite 使用时略有区别, favorite指在同类事物或人当中最受喜爱的,最受欢迎的,而popular则指某人或某物受到多数人的喜欢与爱戴或适合多数人的口味需要。 More to learn Integrated Skills Development e.g. She is rather unpopular with her boss. Language Points popular (with) : a. admired or enjoyed by sb. 受欢迎的 popular (with) Antonym: unpopular a.: not popular; not liked or enjoyed by people in general不受欢迎的,不流行的 Integrated Skills Development e.g. convenient convenient: a. fitting in well with people’s needs or plans, giving no trouble or difficulty 方便的,便利的 Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? I can’t see him now, it’s not convenient. Language Points e.g. They arrived at an inconvenient time. Antonym: inconvenient a.: causing trouble, difficulty or discomfort不方便的,使人感到不便的 More to learn Integrated Skills Development e.g. convenience convenience: n. quality of being convenient or suitable 便利,方便 I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience. Language Points Integrated Skills Development e.g. provide provide: v. make sth. available for sb. to use by giving, lending or supplying it 提供,供给 The management will provide food and drink. The service provided by the hotel is very good. Language Points More to learn Integrated Skills Development e.g. provide provide: v. make sth. available for sb. to use by giving, lending or supplying it 提供,供给 They worked hard to provide for their large f


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