商务英语写作 lecture 7_counteroffer.pptVIP

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week 4 Counter Offers Things to be covered Points covered in a counter offer Sample Letters In-Class Writing Activities Assignments Sentence pattens To make a counter-offer 还盘 Your offer is unworkable, but in view of our long-standing business relationship we make you such a counter-offer. To counter-offer 还盘 Your price is high and we have to counter-offer as follows, subject to your reply received by us on or before 8 April. Out of line with the market与市场不一致 The price you counter-offer is ~,so it is beyond what is acceptable to us. To entertain business at price考虑按…价格成交 We cannot ~ at your price,since it is out of line with the prevailing market(现时市场). Sample Letter #1 (P.18) Dear Sirs: Thank you for your letter of August 8, offering 3,500 kg of Wuyi Peanuts (五邑地区产的花生) at US$1,300.00 (One thousand three hundred USD) per m/t. However we regret to inform you that we are not in a position to accept your offer on those terms. We are obtaining goods of the same quality (相同质量的货物) through another channel at a price 10% less than you quoted to us. If you can reduce the price to US $ 1,150.00 (One thousand one hundred and fifty USD) per m/t, it will be possible for us to place an order for a considerable quantity of this article. We are looking forward to receiving your early reply with great interest. Yours faithfully, Points covered in a counter offer Thank the seller for his offer or quotation. Express regret at inability to accept the sellers' offer or quotation. Make a bid or counter-offer if, in the circumstances, it is appropriate. Suggest other opportunity to do business together. In-Class Writing (P.19) 敬启者 谢谢贵公司2月8日的来信以及有关3, 000打男衬衣的订单。 由于销售季节来临,对这一品种的需求已迅速上升,我们不接受五月份装运的订货。 很抱歉我们未能满足你方四月份交货的愿望。但鉴于我们长期极好的关系,而且有关的数量又不大,我们愿按成本加保险费运费到阿姆斯特丹每打12美元价接受你方订货,条件是你方接受六月份装运。这一日期稍为远了些,但这是此时我们所能做到的。如觉得我们的提议可接受,请在本月底前传真确认。 XXX谨上 2001年2月12日 Suggested Answer February 12, 2001 Dear Sirs: We thank you for yo


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