商务英语写作 Lecture 4 inquiry.pptVIP

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week 2 Lecture Four Inquiry Essential Points(基本要点) What is an inquiry? Classification of inquiries Samples How to Write to an inquiry Translation Words and notes inquiry-inquire讯盘,询问 classification,courteous,concise engagement invite-invitation earnest 认真的,热心的,重要的 proforma invoice 形式发票 available 可用的,可行的 in demand 有需求,有销路 in advance 提前,预先 Words and notes range 系列,类,范围,从…到…,涉及 price: actual~, current~, bottom~, ceiling~, closing~, discount~, cost~, exceptional~(特价). discount 折扣,没有销路 quantity 数量,多批(pl) maximum~, reasonable~(相当数量),total~ term 时间,专有名词,条款,条件 consideration 考虑 What is an inquiry? A request for information (the specifications, quality, quantity of supply, prices etc. of goods) on the supply of certain goods. In foreign trade an enquiry is usually made by the prospective buyer without engagement(承诺). He may send out an enquiry to the seller inviting a quotation or an offer for the goods he wishes to buy or simply asking for some general information concerning the goods in which he takes interest. Classification of inquiries General Enquiries —— requests for price lists or catalogue Specific Enquiries —— requests for quotations for certain articles, or requests for price terms, packing conditions, time of shipment, mode of payment, insurance, etc. (Enquiries from regular customers are sometimes very brief in contents, in which only the name and specifications of the article are mentioned.) Samples Dear sirs, ABC company inform us that you are exporters of cotton bed sheet .we would like you to send us details of your ranges, including sizes ,colours and prices, and also samples of the different qualities. We are large dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area . When quoting, please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchases of quantities of not less than 100 dozen of individual items. Prices quoted should include insurance and freight to Liverpool. Yours faithfully, signature How to Write to an i


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