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Daisy Week 6 Lecture 10 Arrange Paragraph Unity and Focus(统一性和信息焦点) Coherence(连贯性) Completeness(完整性) Brevity(简洁性) 构思段落中心内容 其他句子怎样围绕这一中心展开组织 主题句作为信息焦点位于段首或段尾 OCTOBER 3,2001 Smith&Son INTERNATIONAL TRADING CO.LTD NO.1082BILL ST Los Angeles ,CA USA Gentlemen: The letter you have sent to the China Artware Import &Export Company has been transmitted to us for attention. We are glad to know that your willing to do business with us. The import and export business of China are managed by National Trade Company .We enclose a name-list including our trade companies ,their address and business scope. We would be very happy to receive your requiry of the price of our products and light industry. The Guangdong Trade Fair held twice a year entitles the chances for the foreign deputies to exchange the trading conditions and trading negotiative business. If you have more suggestions about our industry and have a plan to go to China, please contact the Chnia Embassy in USA in order to have a suitable and necessary arrangement. We are looking forward to your further requiry for the information. Yours trul Winky Wang 句与句之间怎样衔接,使段落条理清楚,层次分明 合适连词、平行结构、从属结构 代名词、代词 Exercise: linking sentences with connectives We have received your catalogue. We found some pages missing- -- We have received your catalogue, but We found some pages missing. I appreciate your explanation. Some things are still not clear to me. --While I appreciate your explanation, some things are still not clear to me -- I appreciate your explanation, however, some things are still not clear to me. --I appreciate your explanation, though some things are still not clear to me. --whereas I appreciate your explanation, some things are still not clear to me. Exercise: linking clauses 1.I am sending you a person’s resume. 2.He seems to have a lot of experience in the field. 3.We may consider hiring him. I am sending you a person’s resume who seems to have a lot of experience in the fiel


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