商务英语写作 lecture 5 msent(2).pptVIP

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week 3 Lecture Five Making Essential Sentences words irrelevant- unrelated appliance- applicant-application enclose-enclosure (encl) attach-attachment (att) tariff duty leaflet- brochure-catalogue cancel revision: the act or process of revising修改 most-favoured-nation clause trial order transit –transportation –transit trade 过境/转口贸, 一、Unity(统一性) Cut out the irrelevant/ unrelated element to the main idea or purpose of the sentence or paragraph. One sentence includes one thing eg: Wordiness violate the principle of unity eg:with the purpose of giving you a general idea, we decide to enclose the leaflet. 三、Coherence Subordination When the first order reaches you,we feel confident that you will come to be aware of the exceptional value of these digital-control lathes. The underwriter(保险商) will have to be notified of the damage or loss promptly that occurs in the transit of goods. We were assured of how every effort would be made to improve the quality of the merchandise(商品). Consistence Voice:passive voice and active voice Mood: subjunctive, indicative and imperative person Variety Exercise page 59 (16) (18) Conclusion 1) The cheque has not been received by us and if you want to stop payment of it please sign and return the enclosed form. (24 words). 2) We have lowered interest rates with a view to stimulating consumer spending. (12 words) 3) The revised insurance policy has been enclosed for your reference and please contact us if you have any questions. (19 words) 4) It is the same and identical approach used by us last year. (12 words) Suggested answers 1) We have not received your cheque yet. To stop payment, please sign and return the enclosed form. (17 words) 2) We have lowered interest rates to stimulate consumer spending. (9 words) 3) We have enclosed the revised insurance policy. If you have any questions, please call us on 2345-xxxx. (17 words) 4) We used the same approach last year. (7 words) * * Unity, Conciseness Coherence, Variety E


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