商务英语写作 lecture 16 planning shipping.pptVIP

商务英语写作 lecture 16 planning shipping.ppt

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Shipping Overview Welcome to Lecture 16. In the introductory chapter "Getting Started", you learned about the Writing Process. (page121) In this chapter, you're going to look at the first stage of the Writing Process: Plan. the value of planning "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Before you start to write, you have to plan what to write. You then write according to your plan. Objective: to learn the strategies Planning : How to do it why are you writing? how do you want your reader to respond?(作出反应) what do you want your reader to know? Gentlemen: This is to confirm our fax of October 3 informing that 12 cases of Motorcycle Parts covering your Order No. 334 of August 30 are to be shipped by M.S. (M. S. = Motor Ship), which is to sail from Hong Kong to Jakarta(雅加达) on October 5. We are pleased to enclose herewith the following relevant shipping documents: 1. Commercial invoice: 2 copies 2. Bills of Lading: 3 copies 3. Certificate of quantity: 1 copy 4. Insurance policy: 1 copy We have drawn a draft at sight for US $ 16,000 to cover the shipment, and negotiated it through Bank of China Guangzhou sub-branch, under your L/C No.M3104 issued by the Bank of Indonesia. Thanks for your attention. We believe the goods will reach you in perfect condition and that we may be favored with a continuance of your order. Best To confirm the shipping affairs for 12 cases of Motorcycle Parts by M.S. from Hong Kong to Jakarta on October 5.(确定装运事宜,从香港到雅加达通过M.S.方式运货12箱摩托车配件) To enclose the relevant shipping documents(随函附上相关装运单据) Draw draft (开立汇票) Attention (关注此函) Continuance of your order. (继续订货) Details of Shipping instructions: name of goods, quantity, order, L/C(装船须知) Shipping advice: time and place(装船通知) Shipping document (装船单据) Topic: asking for allowing transshipment Outline: L/C issued in our favor through XX bank reasons for transshipment -- no regular boat sailing between ports in XX shipping advice: change of terms of payment


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