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第一章完 * 4) 读不懂段落或整篇文章-应试阅读的坏习惯 4) 读不懂段落或整篇文章-应试阅读的坏习惯 * 4) 读不懂段落或整篇文章-应试阅读的坏习惯 4) 读不懂段落或整篇文章-应试阅读的坏习惯 * 4) 读不懂段落或整篇文章-应试阅读的坏习惯 4) 读不懂段落或整篇文章-应试阅读的坏习惯 * 第一节对工程热力学进行了一个概述,对工程热力学的基本概念和主要内容做了简单的说明. * 通过下面的学习,我们可以掌握工程热力学的一些专业词汇,并且对这些词汇是大家必须掌握的,可以结合工程热力学的课本进行学习.在工程热力学中我们可以经常听到这些词汇:系统,控制体积,平衡态,过程,循环,饱和液体,饱和气体,过冷度,干度. For many flow situations, boundary layers are so thin that they can simply be ignored when studying the gross features of a flow around a streamlined body. For example, the inviscid flow solution provides an excellent prediction to the flow around the airfoil, except inside the boundary layer and possibly near the trailing edge. Inviscid flow is also encountered in contractions inside piping systems and in short regions of internal flows where viscous effects are negligible. 对于许多流动情形,边界层非常薄,当研究绕流线型流动的总体特征时,可以忽略边界层的影响。例如,对绕翼型的流动,除了边界层内和可能接近尾缘的区域之外,非黏性流动解与实际情况非常吻合。管道系统中收缩段的流动,以及内部流动中黏性影响均可忽略不计的小段区域都可简化成非黏性流动。 1.2.5 Viscous and inviscid flows Viscous flows include the broad class of internal flows, such as flows in pipes and conduits and in open channels. In such flows viscous effects cause substantial “losses” and account for the huge amounts of energy that must be used to transport oil and gas in pipelines. The no-slip condition resulting in zero velocity at the wall, and the resulting shear stresses, lead directly to these losses. 内流中的很大一部分情形都属于黏性流动,如管道流、暗渠流以及明渠流。在这些流动中,黏性作用造成相当大的“损失”,以此解释了管道输运石油和天然气必定耗费大量的能源。无滑移条件使得壁面处的速度为零,由此产生的切应力,直接导致这些损失的产生。 1.2.5 Viscous and inviscid flows 1.2.6 Laminar and turbulent Flows A viscous flow can be classified as either a laminar flow or a turbulent flow. In a laminar flow the fluid flows with no significant mixing of neighboring fluid particles. If dye were injected into the flow, it would not mix with the neighboring fluid except by molecular activity; it would retain its identity for a relatively long period of time. Viscous shear stresses always influence a laminar flow. The flow may be highly tim


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