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PAGE PAGE PAGE 20 PAGE PAGE 1 中国历史文化名城特色分析—以西安为例 摘 要 西安是举世公认的世界历史文化名城,也是闻名中外的大都市。本文首先通过对一般城市构成要素的分析,指出城市所具有的元素;其次对历史文化名称概念和特色的作了分析理解;最后借鉴三层次分析方法由广及精、由浅入深、有条理地对历史文化名城西安的含义、要素、结构进行解剖和总结,以期对西安这个具有十三朝古都历史、周秦汉唐胜地、文化活动昌盛、自然风景迷人等特色的准确把握。从而为把西安建设成为古代文明与现代文明交相辉映、人文资源与生态资源相互依托的美丽城市提供参考。同时,又能为西安建设国际化大都市,打造西安城市的品牌和特色提供一些素材和亮点。 关键词:城市、历史文化名城、特色、文化遗产 Abstract Xi'an is widely recognized as the world's historical and cultural city, is also famous metropolis. Firstly, through the elements of the city's general analysis, noting the city has the elements; followed by the name of the historical and cultural characteristics of the analyzed concepts and understanding; finally learn the three levels of analysis methods and refined by a broad, progressive, orderly manner historical and cultural city of Xi'an, meaning, elements, structures were dissected and summarized in order of thirteen dynasties, Xi'an has a history of this, an accurate grasp of Qin and Han Tang resort, prosperity and cultural activities, and other characteristics of the charming natural scenery. So as to provide a reference for the construction of Xi'an ancient civilization and modern civilization become each other, human resources and ecological resources relying on each other beautiful cities. At the same time, while providing some of the material and highlights for the construction of an international metropolis Xi'an, Xi'an city to build the brand and features. Key words: Cities、historical and cultural city、features、 cultural heritage 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 前言 1 1 绪论 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2 研究意义 2 1.3 论文的研究思路和方法 2 1.3.1 研究思路 2 1.3.2 研究方法 2 1.4本文的创新点与不足 2 2 城市及历史文化名城 2 2.1城市特色的体现 2 2.2 城市的构成要素 3 2.1.1 物质形态 3 2.1.2非物质形态 4 2.3历史文化名城概念及特色认识 4 2.3.1 历史文化名城概念 4 2.3.2对历史文化名城特色的认识 5 3 西安历史文化名城构成 5 3.1 文物古迹 5 3.2自然环境 6 3.3城市格局 6 3.4城市轮廓景观及主要建筑和绿化空间 7 3.5建筑风格和城市风貌 7 3.6名称物质和精神方面 7 4 西安历史文化名称特色研究 9 4.1 分析的思想 10 4.2 分析层面划分 10 4.3


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