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九江职业大学毕业设计(论文) 摘 要 随着现代城市及交通工具的发展,交通事故也急剧增加,为了改善交通秩序及减少交通事 故,交通灯起着越来越重要的作用。在越来越多的城市的各个路口上安装了交通灯,来改善交 通秩序。 现代城市在日常运行控制中,越来越多的使用红绿灯对交通进行指挥和管理。而一套完整 的交通灯控制系统通常要实现自动控制和手动控制去实现其红绿灯的转换。基于 FPGA设计的 交通灯控制系统电路简单、可靠性好。本设计利用 Verilog HDL 语言、采用层次化混合输入方 式 , 可控制 4 个路口的红、黄、绿、左转四盏信号灯 , 让其按特定的规律进行变化。在 Quartus Ⅱ下对系统进行了综合与仿真。仿真结果表明系统可实现十字路口红绿灯及左转弯控制和倒计 时显示,并能够自动控制交通灯转变。 关键词 :FPGA,交通灯控制器, Quartus Ⅱ, Verilog HDL 1 九江职业大学毕业设计(论文) Abstract With the development of modern cities and transport, traffic accidents also increased dramatically, plays an increasingly important role in order to improve traffic order and reduce traffic accidents and traffic lights. More and more all the roads of the city to install traffic lights to improve traffic order.Modern city, more and more control of the day-to-day running of the traffic light traffic command and management. And a complete set of traffic light control system is usually to achieve automatic control and manual control to achieve the conversion of its traffic lights. FPGAdesign-based traffic light control system circuit is simple and good reliability. The design using Verilog HDLlanguage using hierarchical mixed input, and can control the four junctions of red, yellow, green, and turn left at the four signal lights, so that a particular law of change. QUARTUS Ⅱ system synthesis and simulation. The simulation results show that the system can achieve the crossroads of traffic lights and turn left control and countdown display and can autom


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