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PAGE PAGE 1 Course project for international marketing about Japan Content TOC \o "1-3" \h \z Culture analysis of Japan 4 History of Japan 4 Chinese influence 4 Western influence 5 Geography of Japan 5 Natural environment 5 Climate 5 Ocean 6 Management style & business system 7 Using hofstede's cultural dimensions theory 7 Management style 8 Economic analysis of Japan 10 Macro environment 10 Market audit and competitive analysis of Kao 12 Daily necessities industry market 12 Competitive 13 Perfect computer system 13 Pursue high quality products 14 Attach importance to environmental protection 14 Market plan for the Kao 15 Develop newer and better products 15 Start with the consumer 15 Increase brand publicity 15 Culture analysis of Japan History of Japan Chinese influence Confucianism is the main body of Chinese traditional culture and has a profound influence on the formation and development of Japanese traditional culture. Confucianism was introduced to Japan around the fifth century AD. According to the records in the ancient century, alzhiqi of paikche and wang ren were the earliest Confucian scholars who came to Japan. They also brought Confucian classics such as the analects of Confucius and the collection of thousand words and taught Confucianism in Japan. Confucianism developed rapidly after the emperor of the succession (507-531) asked the paikche king to regularly send doctors of the five classics to Japan to teach Confucianism. The "twelfth order of crown power" and "17-article constitution" formulated by prince shengde mainly reflect Confucianism, and even the words and materials used are mostly taken from Confucian classics. The epoch-making reform in Japanese history also happened under the profound influence of Confucianism. However, Japanese people's absorption of Chinese Confucianism is also selective. In the process of learning and absorbing


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