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商业银行对中小企业信贷风险的监控与防范对策 【摘要】随着改革开放的不断深入,西方的一些信贷体系开始在我们国家流行起来,我国也学习着给微型企业一些信贷从而扶持中小企业的发展。但是目前,我国的信用环境不断恶化,并且信贷体系不完善,个人信用制度在我国并没有系统的建立起来,因此银行给微型企业贷款存在着一定的风险。但是,信贷风险又是银行经营过程中不可回避的问题。在这种情况下,加强对信贷风险的认识与防范已经迫在眉睫了。所以在这方面我国的银行已经认识到这方面了,因此加强对信贷风险的认识、管理和控制是我国银行加强内部控制的重要部分。所以,本篇文章将对我国银行针对消费信贷采取的对策进行一个系统研究。 【关键词】:商业银行 消费信贷 风险 Abstract:With the deepening of reform and opening up, some of the credit system of the West began to pop up in our country, our country also learning some credit to SMEs to support the development of SMEs. But at present, China's credit environment is deteriorating and the credit system is imperfect, the personal credit system in our country does not have the system set up, so there is a certain risk of bank lending to SMEs. However, the credit risk is a problem that can not be avoided in the course of business of a bank. In this case, it is to strengthen the understanding and prevention of credit risk is imminent. So in this regard, our bank has been aware of in this area, thus enhancing the awareness of credit risk management and control is an important part of the banks in China to strengthen internal controls. Therefore, this article countermeasures taken by the consumer credit banks in China will be a system. Key words: consumer credit risk of commercial banks 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 摘要 1 1.涉及的相关概念 3 1.1微型企业的定义 3 1.2我国微型企业的现行分类标准 3 1.3文献综述 4 2.商业银行信贷业务的风险及分析 5 2.1市场经济环境下 5 2.1.1商业银行的信用等级迁移矩阵 6 2.1.2不同等级的贷款回收率 7 2.1.3贷款组合的联合信用等级迁移矩阵 7 2.2我国消费信贷风险因素 8 2.2.1信用风险 8 2.2.2市场风险 8 2.2.3流动性风险 8 2.2.4操作风险 9 2.2.5法律风险 9 2.3信用风险 9 2.4 潜在的市场风险 9 2.5流动性风险 9 3.商业银行对微型企业信贷风险的防范的对策 10 3.1 加强法制观念,强化防范金融风险意识 10 3.2 建立和完善风险内控机制,加强信贷基础管理工作 10 3.2.1构建适合微型企业的新产品创新及业务运行机制 11 3.2.2构筑微型企业信贷风险分散和补偿机制 11 3.2.3构建快速的风险预警机制,强化风险预警预控 12 3.2.4建立灵活有效的贷款退出机制 12 3.2.5建立有效的激励机制与问责机制 12 3.2.6建立从业人员的业务技能培训机制,提升风险管理水平 13 3.2.7建立严格的监督制约机制 13 3.3 完善针对微型企业的信贷风险评价体系 13 3.3.1量化信用风险,建立微型企业风险管理模型 13 3.


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