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江苏经贸职业技术学院 毕业论文 题目: 浅析中小企业融资困境及对策分析 系 (院) 贸易经济系 专业班级 金融管理与实务(单) 学 号 0901131138 学生姓名 李桂巧 指导教师 许 震 职 称 副教授 指导教师 职 称 2012 年 5 月 15 日 浅析中小企业融资困境及对策分析 摘要:去年以来,央行连续上调存款准备金利率且每次上调幅度均为0.50%;银行纷纷缩减信贷规模,各中小企业普遍出现“钱荒”。而另一方面,面对CPI的节节攀升,很多老百姓又不愿将“闲钱”存入银行。与此同时,金融领域的一些体制障碍暴露出严重的结构性矛盾,一大批小企业陷入融资困境,在高利贷重压之下不堪重负,老板跑路事件频发,有媒体报道称:温州中小企业主“跑路”,鄂尔多斯企业主身亡,民间借贷相关的纠纷案件增加……多种迹象表明,在“游资猛虎”的无序窜动中,民间借贷现象开始日益增多。于是,民间借贷市场风险骤增。在长三角、珠三角之外的中西部地区,中小企业的“灰色融资”行为也并不罕见。“趋利避害,扬长避短,才是对待民间借贷应有的思路。规范化的民间借贷市场将在民间资本与中小企业间架起一座桥梁,这对于中小企业融资难问题的解决意义重大。 关键词:民间借贷 中小企业 融资难 解决途径 Analysis the financial difficulties of SME-s and solution Abstract: Central Bank of the Republic of China has raised continuously deposit reserve rates,banks have reduced size of credit,the SMES has appeared generally “waste money ”since last year. However, on the other hand, many people did not wish to deposit free money to the bank because of the CPI climbing. In the field of finance system a little of obstacle exposed the serious structural contradictions,a large number of small businesses fell into the situation of financing difficulties at the moment . The boss ran out from their homes frequently in usury under pressure overwhelmingly. According to the report, Wenzhou small and medium-sized business owners “Run road”, Ordos business owners died , folk lending related disputes increased and so on which has showed that folk lending phenomenon began to increase in "hot money tiger" there in the chaos of the move. As a result, folk lending market increased risk. Small and medium-sized enterprise "gray financing" behavior is not rare in the Yangtze River delta and Pearl River delta, the outside of the Midwest. “The disadvantages, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses” is a good idea to treat folk lending. For small and medium-sized enterprise financing to the solution of the problem is of g


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