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江苏经贸职业技术学院 毕业设计 题目:企业人才流失的原因及对策分析 —以XX英语为例 系 (院) 工 商 管 理 系 专业班级 09人力资源管理 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 职 称 副教授 指导教师 职 务 2012年 5月 8日 企业人才流失的原因及对策分析 ——以XX少儿英语为例 摘要 在如今的经济知识时代中,人力资源成为企业成长和壮大的关键要素,人力资源管理的重要性也得到了明显的体现。然而目前企业人才流失已经成为相当普遍的现象,企业人才流失者人数之多、频率之高、影响之深,已经越来越引起关注。XX经过5年的发展已经初具规模,可是逐渐上升的人才流失率,以及随之而来的成本增加、人员忠诚度不高等问题,已经严重影响了企业的进一步壮大。如何加强人力资源管理,避免人才流失,已经成为人力资源管理工作的核心。针对XX的实际情况,本文对其人才流失问题原因进行了分析,重点包括:薪资福利缺乏竞争性,考核体系缺乏公平性、企业文化建设滞后等等。随后提出提出人才流失问题的对策:改进薪酬福利制度、健全绩效管理体系及加强员工职业生涯管理等等建议性意见。 关键词 人才流失 原因 对策分析 Causes and Countermeasures of the corporate brain drain —Example to XX International Education Company Abstract Human resource is the key element to the enterprise growth and expansion in the knowledge-based economic age. The importance of human resource management (HRM) will be embodied more. But the enterpeise brain drain has become a general phenomenon curretely. The number of brain drain cases the frequency and the influences have caused many serious problems and attracted more and more attention. Through over five years’ development,XX International Education Company(as“XX”) has taken shape. But gradually rising wastage rate, the accompanying cost increase, and staff loyalty of problems, has?seriously affected the enterprise of further strong. ?How to strengthen the human resource management, and avoid the brain drain, has become the core of human resource management. According to the actual situation of Horsepower English,this paper analyses the reasons of brain drain ,the main reasons for lack of competitive salary and benefits, lack of fair assessment system, enterprise culture construction lag and so on. Then put forward solutions to the problems of the brain drain: to improve the welfare system, and perfect the performance management system and strengt


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