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留学生论文专业定制代写网站 专业提供留学生各类 essay 定制写作服务 留学生Essay写作—青少年男性运动员与厌食症:问题与治疗 Introduction Society is well aware of the problem of eating disorders when it comes to females but are less aware of this growing problem when it comes to the male gender.The actual statistics of males with eating disorders is hard to establish because men are often reticent to admit to these problems because of the stigma involved of it being a female problem. It is becoming more apparent that male eating disorders are substantially on the rise and this paper will study how these disorders can develop,the damage they can cause and how to successfully intervene when the disorder is identified.The paper will concentrate on the eating disorder of anorexia with the understanding that bulimia and binge eating are also growing problems.The causes of eating disorders are varied and personalized in nature but there are psychological,physical and societal influences that can predispose someone to develop them. Development of eating disorders in adolescent male athletes Males with anorexia account for 5-10%of all cases and of these 45%are involved in sports or athletics where control of weight is important for optimal performance.This contrasts with only 9%of those females with anorexia().These statistics point to certain types of sports becoming risk factors for some males in developing an eating disorder.These particular sports are differentiated by three contributing factors for why a male athlete might restrict their caloric levels. In a sport where certain bodily aesthetics are necessary factors for success the athlete may restrict their eating to meet these standards. Examples of these types of aesthetic standards could include figure skating,diving and dancing.These athletes might become obsessed with appearance and develop a flawed body image. Male athletes often become involved in competitive sports,such as wrestling and boxing,where the need for“making weight”becomes a necessity.The athlete ma


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