人教版英语选修六Unit 3 A healthy Life(Advice from Grandad Reading and Comprehending)教案.docxVIP

人教版英语选修六Unit 3 A healthy Life(Advice from Grandad Reading and Comprehending)教案.docx

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Book 6 Unit 3 Advice from Grandad Reading [键入文字] Book 6 Unit 3 Advice from Grandad Reading and Comprehending 教案 高二英语组 王婷 一.教学内容分析   This is the first teaching period of this unit. The central part of this period is two sections in the reading passage titled Advice from Grandad and How Can You Stop Smoking? Warming Up presents issues about health for students to discuss. Pre-reading provides some questions to help students focus on the topic of the reading passage and get the students to realize the harm of smoking. Teachers may provide students some advice on how to give up smoking. Reading is in two parts. The first part is a letter from a grandad to his grandson. Grandad lives a long and healthy life,but he has ever been addicted to nicotine,so he lists reasons for being addicted and the harm of smoking. The second part gives advice about how to stop smoking. Comprehending consists of three kinds of exercises for the students so as to help the students to get a better understanding of the text,that is to say,to help the teacher to check how much the students have understood the text. Exercise 1:fill in the form about the content of the text;Exercise 2:discuss the content of the text;Exercise 3:write down an outline on how to persuade people to give up smoking within five sentences. 二. 三维目标设计   Knowledge and skills 1.To know the meanings of the following new words and phrases:cigarette(香烟),alcohol(酒),abuse(滥用),stress(压力;加压力于),adolescent(青少年), ban(禁止),due (欠款的;预定的;到期的),tough(困难的), addicted(上了瘾的),accustom(使习惯于),withdrawal(收回;戒毒过程), automatic(无意识的;自动的), mental(精神的;智力的), quit(停止;离开), effect(结果;效力), lung(肺),pregnant(怀孕的), abnormal(畸形的;异常的), breathless (气喘吁吁的),unfit(不健康的;不合适的),strengthen(加强), decide on(对……作出决定),packet(小盒;小包), feel like(doing)(想要做),desperate(绝望的;拼命的), chemist (药剂师;化学家),disappointed(失望的;沮丧的), ashamed(感到羞耻的或惭愧的) 2.To learn about some health problems and how to live a healthy life. 3.To develop the students' reading abili



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