人教版英语选修六Unit 3 A healthy Life(Reading)教学设计.docxVIP

人教版英语选修六Unit 3 A healthy Life(Reading)教学设计.docx

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. 英语高二(上)人教新课标 选修6 unit 3 A health life Reading教案 赵湾中学 江开菊 课题 Advice from granddad 课型 New 依据 《高中英语新课程标准》 课时 The second period 学情分析 Our school is a rural ordinary high school, although my students has a basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing .their basic knowledge of English is poor, they still need more chance to practice these skills. They also need to be encouraged to express their ideas, feelings and grasp any chance to speak English .Teachers also need to create situations to develop students’ self-dependent and cooperative learning .ability. 教材分析 Module 6 unit3 focus on “A health life”. Reading passage is the center of this unit. It extends the main topic, and contains Most useful vocabulary and grammar points in this unit. It consists of two parts : One is a letter from granddad, the others is an internet page. All the passage is around the topic “smoking”, It contains that smoking does great harm to us, why it is difficult to quit smoking, and how to quit smoking. In this period, by reading the passage, develop students integrating skills especially speaking and reading skills .At the same time, we’ll carry out the emotional education ,help students realize the harm of smoking, stay away from smoking, and spread the harm of smoking, and try to persuade people around them to stay away from smoking. 教材整合 According to my students, I arranged the teaching material again cancel some contents of the text book, and add much more properly. 1 cancel some topics that students are very familiar in pre-reading, 1) Have you smoked? if you have ,have you stopped? 2) Why do you think adolescents start smoking? 3 ) Where could you get good advice on stopping smoking? 2 Cancel some questions In comprehending: 1) What kind of person do you think James ’grandfather is? 2) What other information could have been included? 3 Change some difficult questions into multi-choice to reduce difficulty. 4 We mainly add a lot to discuss and learn the harm of smo


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