软件安全基础课件(PPT 49页).ppt

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为什么软件安全问题增长 Connectivity(互联性) Extensibility(延展性) Complexity (复杂性) 为什么软件安全问题变得如此困难? Connectivity The Internet is everywhere and most software is on it Complexity Networked, distributed, mobile code is hard Extensibility Systems evolve in unexpected ways and are changed on the fly This simple interface… …is this complex program .NET The network is the computer. 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 黑客攻击方式的进化 Password Guessing Self-Replicating Code Password Cracking Exploiting Known Vulnerabilities Burglaries Hijacking Sessions Networked Management Diagnosis GUI Automated Probes/Scans www Attacks Distributed Attack Tools Staged Attack Attack Sophistication Intruder Knowledge LOW HIGH 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Disabling Audits Back Doors Sweepers Sniffers Packet Spoofing Denial of Service “Stealth”/Advanced Scanning Techniques Cross-Site Scripting 传统的“加层”保护方案 Hackers Worms Viruses Malicious Insiders Traditional network/perimeter defenses Critical Software Automation Of Key Operational Processes 软件的应用因为业务和功能的需要必须 打破传统的保护层,直接与外面的系统交互 Web Facing Applications Legacy App Integration Connectivity w/ Partners Suppliers Outsourcing Employee Self-Service 为什么传统的基于网络方案不工作 Key Network Web Restrict Access Firewall Everyone has access Authenticate users Windows / Unix auth HTTP has WEAK authentication Monitor for attacks IDS / IPS Critical traffic is in SSL Tunnel Track users (state) User of TCP/IP connections HTTP is stateless Block known attacks IPS (Self-defending networks) Web attacks are extremely hard to distinguish from normal activity Internet DMZ Trusted Inside Corporate Inside HTTP(S) IMAP FTP SSH TELNET POP3 Firewall only allows PORT 80 (or 443 SSL) traffic from the Internet to the web server. Any – Web Server: 80 Firewall only allows applications on the web server to talk to application server. Firewall only allows application server to talk to database server. IIS SunOne Apache ASP .NET WebSphere Java SQL Oracle DB2 软件易于遭受的安全弱点: SQL Injections Buffer Ove


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