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我校校园经济商业化发展问题探讨 摘 要 “经济是一门研究财富的学问,同时也是一门研究人的学问”。随着我国经济竞争态势的迅猛发展,更多的商人把眼光投向了大学的校园,将大学生这片群体作为获得利益的目标对象。曾几何时,在滚滚“经商热”中,大学校园被誉为一片“净土”,而时下,“净土”已不再,正被浓浓的商业气氛包围着。因此,校园经济商业化发展被提到一个重要的议事日程。调查表明,当代大学生确实有着潜在的消费潜能,这是相对于他们消费意识形态趋于成熟但却称不上成熟而形成的。另一方面,大学生意气风发,对于校园及经济有着敏锐的嗅觉和敢做敢言的姿态,校园中种种与他们期望相违背的校园经济商业化带来的矛盾突显,校园经济商业化发展问题的探讨势在必行,刻不容缓。本文意在探讨我校校园经济存在的主要问题、成因,并提出一些建议,从而透视全国高校经济校园商业化畸形倾向,以抛砖引玉。 关键词:校园经济;商业化;管理; DISCUSSION OF SCHOOL CAMPUS ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT ABSTRACT "The economy is one of the wealth of knowledge, is also a study of human knowledge." With the rapid development of China's economic and competitive situation, more businessmen look to invest in the university campus, students this group as to obtain benefits target audience. Once upon a time, rolling "business fever" in the university campus known as a "pure land", nowadays, the "pure land" is no longer being surrounded by a thick atmosphere of business with. Therefore, the campus of economic and business development have been mentioned as an important agenda. The survey shows that contemporary college students do have the potential consumer potential, which is formed by mature but they consume ideology can not be called mature. The other hand, high-spirited college students, the campus and the economy has a keen sense of smell and daring vocal gesture, total total their expectations contrary to the campus of economic and commercial contradictions highlighted in the campus, campus economic and business development issues Discussion is imperative, without delay. This paper attempts to explore the school campus economy, causes, and some suggestions perspective of the National Higher Education Economic campus commercialization deformed tendency, in order to start a discussion. Key words: Campus economy; commercialization; management; 目 录 1.引言 校园经济对社会商业而言,曾是一块禁地,近些年,我校后勤拉开了社会化改革的序幕,企业化运作的高校后勤服务中心和后勤发展中心先后在校园内部开辟了校园“商业化”层层运营模式。但大跃进发展的商业化校园经济模式是否确实给学生、教师以及商业者带来各自所需要的东西,是否真的能在北师大这个商业圈形成利益平衡。并非如此,竞争激烈的经营者更迭迅速,转手卖卖


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