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齐 齐 哈 尔 大 学 毕业论文 题 目   天然有机物还阳参在正己烷萃取物中有效成分的分离 学 院 化学与化学工程学院 专业班级     应化093   学生姓名    孟玉 指导教师     张文治 成 绩 2013 年 6 月 18 摘 要 还阳参 Crepis turczaniowii C.A.Mey. 属于菊科还阳参属植物,也叫屠还阳参和驴打滚儿草,多年草本植物,生长于山坡,路旁,主要分布在内蒙古、山西一带,资源丰富,是民间很常用的中草药。其味苦,性微寒,具有清热降火、止咳平喘、益气之功效,用于治疗支气管炎、肺结核,对喘息性慢性支气管炎等疾病也有一定的作用。 本文对北方还阳参全草在正己烷层萃取物的化学成分进行了研究,将干燥的北方还阳参全草 43.03 kg 用 95% 无水乙醇浸泡,提取制得浸膏,再将浸膏加二次蒸馏水混悬后,依次用正己烷、乙酸乙酯和正丁醇萃取,制得相应溶剂层的提取物。其中正己烷提取物的质量为:120 g、乙酸乙酯层提取物的质量为:21.38 g、正丁醇层提取物的质量为 5 g,水层 180 g。提取物重量分别占北方还阳参地上部分总重量的 0.28%、0.05 %、0.01%、0.42% 利用经典的柱层析色谱(CC)、薄层层析色谱(TLC)、高效液相色谱法 (HPLC) 、重结晶等分离方法,经 1H-NMR 核磁共振、13C-NMR 核磁共振认识方法鉴定化合物结构,从北方还阳参全草正己烷层提取物中共分离得到五种单体化合物,它们分别是: 木醛酮(1)、α-香树素(2)、β-香树素(3)、齐墩果酸 (4)、正十八烷酸(5 关键词:还阳参;化学成分;三萜; 结构鉴定 Abstract Crepis is a plant of Crepis species of Asteraceae, annual or perennial herb. also known as Yang Tu Senate Lvda Gun child grass, It is found in various places, mainly distributed in the Shanxi, Nei Menggu and other places in our country. Its bitter, and nature of slightly cold have the efficacy of relieving cough and asthma and benefiting vital energy, and it is used to cure the sore throat, bronchitis, phthisis, asthmatic brouchitis and other disease. It has a great research value of wild plants, drug side effects and the high medicinal value. In this paper ,We studied on the chemical constituents of Crepis tectorum. Wherein the drying crepis (43.03 g)with 95 percent of absolute alcohol.The mass of hexane extract: 120 g, ethyl acetate layer is the mass of extract: 21.38 g, n-butanol layer mass of extract 5 g, water layer was 180 g. Extract Weight also positive parameter representing the northern part of the total The plant were extracted with ethanol at room temperature. The extract was concentrated in vacuum and the


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