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附 录 Airline Cost Control Based on E-commerce Abstract—Airline’s operating situation is not good nowadays. At this situation, cost control is very important to airline. It is a new idea and method for airline to using computer and network oriented information technology to cost control. Firstly, this article analyses the airline’s cost composition, then describes how to use e-commerce to control cost of airline in air material cost, sales expenses, financial expenses, administrative expenses and so on. Finally, based on service-oriented architecture technology, this article also describes how to integrate information resources within and outside the airline to build air e-commerce platform, which not only helps airline cost control, but also helps airline innovative business model to improve the competitiveness of enterprise. Keywords-airline; e-commerce; cost control; service-oriented architecture I. INTRODUCTION Since the Great Depression, 2009 went into the history books as the worst year the air transportation industry has ever seen. Passenger transportation demand dropped 3.5 percent while cargo transportation demand suffered an even bigger hit, falling 10.1 percent. All over the world, 30 airlines have ceased business due to lack of funds, 14 of which went out of business. This year, as the global economic recovery, demand for the air traffic has improved significantly. Statistics show that the situation is moving in the right direction. During the World Air Transport Summit held in June, IATA said: "The global air transportation industry's most difficult times are over, but challenges remain. It will take at least three years to recover the $81 billion drop in revenues in 2009." Compared to the difficult situation of foreign airlines, China Airlines are in the better situation, but should not be too optimistic. In 2009, China's civil aviation industry achieved revenue of 212 billion yuan with profit of 7.4 billion, however, which was mainly caused by ap


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