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(建议用时:35分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2017·安徽合肥高三质检) Sales Representative—Immediate Hiring Do you like meeting new people? Do you enjoy closing deals every day? Are you looking for a dynamic and high energy industry? THIS COULD BE THE CAREER (职业) FOR YOU ! Fast Growing and Very Successful Credit Card Processor is looking for a dynamic outside salesperson to sell credit products and check processing services in the local area. What we need you to do: ?Attend 3-5 appointments daily ?Sell into small-sized to middle-sized businesses ?Work closely with the sales manager in Dallas TX (by phone) ?Have the ability to manage paperwork We offer: ?Medical benefits eligibility(资格) after 90 days ?One of the strongest compensation programs in the industry ?Monthly bonuses ?A jump start bonus of up to $ 750 Successful applicants often have experience in customer services, inside sales, outside sales, sales support, management roles, or other customer-facing positions. We are an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, national origin or disability. Please reply with a resume today! There is a difference. Experience Great Work! We have been serving North East Ohio for more than 20 years with offices located in Akron, Canton, Lakewood, Streetsboro and Wadsworth. Apply online at www. greatwork. cc and make a call to our Lakewood location to discuss our great career opportunity at 440-663-0050. 1.According to the text, the sales representative the company is looking for should________. A.sell into big businesses B.be able to manage paperwork C.meet over 5 customers each day D.see the sales manager in Dallas TX frequently 2.If hired, you can ________. A.receive a monthly salary of $ 750 B.get a special customer-facing position C.enjoy a strong compensation program D.gain medical benefits eligibility within 90 days 3.Which of the following can help you apply successfully? A.The experience in shopping. B.The experience in management. C.The e


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