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二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分) 11. There is a mistake in the notebook; you should c ? it. 12. Im not good at listening. I need a lot of p ?. 13. --- Can you give us some a ? on how to learn English well? --- OK, Id love to. 14. Its p ? for you to study well if you work hard. 15. He said he would never f ? the trip to Mount Fanjin. 16. Could you tell me how to p ? this word? 17. If you want to learn English well, please read a ? every morning. It really helps a lot. 18. --- What do you think of her spoken English? --- E ?! 19. To i ? his English, he reads English newspapers every day. 20. Coal and oil are both n ? resources(资源); they cant be recycled. 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分) 21. Look! Her hair clip ?(与……相配) her new T-shirt very well. 22. The d ?(字典) is very useful. 23. I think it ?(可能的) to beat the weak team easily, but Im wrong. 24. To ?(提高) his spoken English, Tom reads English about half an hour every morning. 25. Dont ?(忘记) to close the window when you leave the classroom. 26. I have been to the village three times to enjoy the ?(自然的) beauty there. 27. His wife is an ?(极好的) dancer. 28. Mother tells the children not to shout too ?(大声地) in the hospital. 29. There are three ?(基础的,主要的) questions about English learning. 30. Could you please help me to ?(改正) my mistakes? 四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共10分) 31. 如果你遇到新的单词,查阅一下词典。 If you meet some new words, ? ? ? in a dictionary. 32. 当有人伤害了我们, 我们应该将其写在沙土上, 让它随风而逝。 When someone hurts us, we should ? it ? in sand, and the wind can take it away. 33. 我认为这主意不错,但她不同意。(词数不限) I thought it was a good idea, but she didnt ? me. 34. 许多老人咨询如何保持健康。 Many old people


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