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本科生毕业论文(设计) 中文题目 旋转倒立摆控制演示系统设计与实现 英文题目 Design and Implementation of Rotary Inverted Pendulum Control System for Demonstration 学生姓名 班级 651006 学号 学 院 仪器科学与电气工程学院 专 业 电气工程及其自动化 指导教师 职称 副 教 授 摘要 旋转倒立摆是一种复杂的、快速的、不稳定的系统。该类模型的控制方法可以应用于航天,机械制造等多种精密控制的领域。本文主要介绍了旋转倒立摆演示系统的原理分析、设计制作过程和实验结论。在拉格朗日状态空间方程模型的基础上,使用LQR二次型最优控制器的方法。采用区间分布控制,得到期望的控制效果。本设计采用飞思卡尔K60单片机作为处理器,使用光电编码器作为传感器,对系统进行控制和检测。本设计提出了一种新的机械设计方案,提高了旋转倒立摆的机械性能。本文从硬件的选择到软件的程序实现,详细的阐述了旋转倒立摆演示系统的实际制作过程。实现了旋转倒立摆的起摆功能,摆杆可以自行在竖直方向上保持平衡,并且在外界施加一定干扰的情况下能够保证平衡不被破坏。在此基础上实现了通过改变参数研究控制系统特性的功能,适用于教学演示。 关键词:旋转倒立摆 LQR控制器 K60 光电编码器 Title Design and Implementation of Rotary Inverted Pendulum Control System for Demonstration Abstract Rotational inverted pendulum is a complex and fast, the instability of the system. This kind of control method of the model, which can be applied in aerospace, machinery manufacturing, and other precision control field. This article mainly introduces the principle of rotational inverted pendulum system demonstration analysis, design, manufacture process and the experiment conclusion. The quadratic optimal control is used on the basis of the state-space equations, Lagrange model, and LQR method. Using interval distribution control, achieve the desired control effect. This design uses a single chip as the processor Freescale K60 used as sensors, optical encoders to control and detection systems. This design presents a new mechanical design, improve the mechanical properties of rotational inverted pendulum. This paper, from the choice of the hardware to software program implementation, in detail elaborated the actual production process of rotary inverted pendulum system demonstration. To realize the function of rotational inverted pendulum of the pendulum, swinging rod was able to maintain a balance in the vertical dir


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