初中英语八年级上册典中点习题课件UPeriod 4 Section B (3a-Self Check).ppt

初中英语八年级上册典中点习题课件UPeriod 4 Section B (3a-Self Check).ppt

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习题链接 词汇拓展 课文精华 学必有法 Period 4 Section B (3a-Self Check) 人教版 八年级上 Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater? 1 comfortably; uncomfortable 2 cheaply 3 chose; choice 4 report  6 7 actor; activity create   词汇拓展 提示:点击 进入习题 5 service  答案呈现 8 magic; magical 9 performer 10 serious  11 crowded  6 7 8 choose creative  Everyone/ Everybody 课文精华 答案呈现 1 2 3 4 5 service  close  cheaply  songs  give  学必有法 作文 9 10 meals  seat 1. comfortable adj. 使人舒服的;舒适的 → __________ adv. 舒服地 → ____________ adj. 使人不舒服的 2. cheap adj. 便宜的 → ________ adv. 便宜地 3. choose v. 选择;挑选 → _______ v. 选择;挑选( 过去式) → _______ n. 选择 comfortably cheaply chose choice uncomfortable 4. reporter n. 记者→ _______ v. 报道 5. serve v. 服务 → _______ n. 服务 6. act v. 扮演 n. 表演者 → _______ n. 演员 → _______ n. 活动 7. creative adj. 有创造力的;创造性的 → _______ v. 创造 report  service  actor create  activity 8. magician n. 魔术师→ _______ n. 魔术 → _______ adj. 有魔力的 9. perform v. 表演;表现 → _________ n. 表演者 10. seriously adv. 严重地;严肃地;认真地 → _______ adj. 严重的;严肃的;认真的 11. crowd v. 使……拥挤 → _______ adj. 拥挤的 magic  magical   performer crowded  serious  service  close  cheaply  songs  give  根据短文内容和所给中文提示填词 My parents and I eat out every weekend. The Brown’s Noodle House has the best _______ 1(服务). It is _______ 2 (靠近)to my house. We eat the food _______ 3(便宜地), and the food is the best. The _______ 4(歌曲) played in the restaurant are also the best. What’s more, we don’t have to _______ 5(给)the restaurant extra money for its tea. There are lots of great specials! You can ______ 6(挑选)what you like here. And the most _______ 7(有创意的)one is mutton with carrots. __________________ 8(每个人)likes to eat such a kind of special. So it’s really a good place to enjoy your _______ 9(餐). It is difficult to finda _______ 10(座位)during the dinner time. choose creative  Everyone/Everybody meals  seat 四、写作任务 假如你是Jim,常到学校附近的三家商店购物,请用学过的比较级或最高级的句型,充分发挥你合理的想象,描述三家商店的不同。词数:100 左右。提示: Ham’s Bargain Store: the cheapest, the worst Jenny’s Department Store: the most fashionable cl


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