如何结束电瓶车充电 (2).pptVIP

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前言 Introduction 在京津新城凯悦酒店,XXX。 At Hyatt Regency Jing Jin City Resort and Spa, the staff is enthusiastic and the service is well presented and delivered. 一个关键的因素是XXX 。 An important factor is brand promise to be delivered and exceptional guest service to be provided at all times. . 前言 Introduction 这表示我们一定要确保XXX。 That means that we must ensure that Battery is in good conditions and to be discharged in the standard way. 目标 Objective 到此课程结束时,我们的目标是要确保你学会 “如何如何结束电瓶车充电”, 并按照酒店标准实践。 By the end of this Session, our Objective is to ensure that you have learned “How to Disconnect a Club Car Battery Charger ” with Confidence, and according to our defined Standards. 有问题吗? Any Questions? 1.检查充电器和电瓶车 Checking the Club Car Battery Charger 由谁来进行检查? Who does the checking? 礼宾部当值员工 Concierge employee on duty 2.拔掉电线 Disconnect the Charger Cable 充电接口在哪里? Where is the charging port on the club car? 驾驶座背面 Located behind the driver’s seat 拔掉电线前要确保什么? What do we need to ensure before we disconnect the charger cable? 确保手部干燥 Hands are dry 电线上没有水迹 Cable is not exposed to any liquid 保持充电器干燥 Charger is dry 2.拔掉电线 Disconnect the Charger Cable 如何拔掉充电器电线? How to disconnect the charger cable? 握住充电器插头从电源接口 处轻轻拔掉 Hold the charger plug and remove it out gently from the connection port 3.整理电线 Place the Charger Cable 如何整理电线? How to place the charger cable? 将电线缠绕好 Wind the cable consistently 放到充电器旁边 Place the cable beside the charger port 4. 启动电瓶车 Restart the Club Car 启动电瓶车时要注意什么 ? What do we pay attention to before restarting the club car? 30秒之后再启动电瓶车 Restart the Club Car after 30 seconds 将电池充电开关的旋钮从“TOW”拨到“RUN” Turn the battery charging switch knob from "TOW" direction to “RUN” direction 5. 更新记录 Update Record 在哪里更新记录? Where do we update? 电瓶车记录本 Club car log book 5. 更新记录 Update Record 我们需要更新什么? What do we need to update? 结束充电时间 Time completed 电瓶车号 Club car number 当班礼宾部员工 Co


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