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航空发动机的种类与结构 Aircraft Engine Types And Construction * PPT课件 活塞式 燃气涡轮式 冲压式 三大种类 * PPT课件 活塞式航空发动机   早期在飞机或直升机上应用的航空发动机,用于带动螺旋桨或旋翼。大型活塞航空发动机的功率可达 500千瓦。后来为功率大、高速性能好的燃气涡轮发动机所取代。但小功率的活塞式航空发动机仍广泛地用于轻型飞机、直升机及超轻型飞机。 燃气涡轮发动机   应用最广。包括涡轮喷气发动机、涡轮风扇发动机、涡轮螺旋桨发动机和涡轮轴发动机,都具有压气机、燃烧室和燃气涡轮。涡轮螺旋桨发动机主要用于时速小于800千米的飞机;涡轮轴发动机主要用作直升机的动力;涡轮风扇发动机主要用于速度更高的飞机;涡轮喷气发动机主要用于超声速飞机。 冲压发动机   冲压发动机特点是无压气机和燃气涡轮,进入燃烧室的空气利用高速飞行时的冲压作用增压。它构造简单、推力大,特别适用于高速高空飞行。由于不能自行起动和低速下性能欠佳,限制了应用范围,仅用在导弹和空中发射的靶弹上。 * PPT课件 The Heat Engine Converts chemical energy (fuel) into heat energy. Heat energy is then converted into mechanical energy. The heat energy is released at a point in the cycle where the pressure is high, relative to atmospheric. * PPT课件 The Heat Engine Divided into groups or types depending upon: The working fluid used. The means of compression. The Propulsive working fluid. * PPT课件 Types Of Heat Engines * PPT课件 Types Of Heat Engines Turbojet Means of compression: Turbine-driven compressor Engine working fluid: Fuel/air mixture Propulsive working fluid: Fuel/air mixture * PPT课件 Types Of Heat Engines Turboprop Means of compression: Turbine-driven compressor Engine working fluid: Fuel/air mixture Propulsive working fluid: Ambient Air * PPT课件 Types Of Heat Engines Ramjet Means of compression: Ram compression Engine working fluid: Fuel/air mixture Propulsive working fluid: Fuel/air mixture * PPT课件 Types Of Heat Engines Pulse-Jet Means of compression: Compression due to combustion Engine working Fluid: Fuel/air mixture Propulsive working Fluid: Fuel/air mixture * PPT课件 Types Of Heat Engines Rocket Means of compression: Compression due to combustion Engine working fluid: Oxidizer/fuel mixture Propulsive working fluid: Oxidizer/fuel mixture * PPT课件 Types Of Heat Engines Reciprocating Means of compression: Reciprocating action of pistons Engine working fluid: Fuel/air mixture Propulsive working fluid: Ambient air * PPT课件


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