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招商银行2016 年笔试试题 时间:90 分钟 1. Children younger than 5 years old are _______ free to festival events. (a) admit (b) admitted (c) admission (d) admittedly 2. Electronics retailer Buyer's World announced plans to _______ rebates on software purchases. (a) forecast (b) transport (c) eliminate (d) compromise 3. Mr. Barry oversaw the development of the Nissan Building _______ its initial stages to its completion. (a) of (b) to (c) from (d) about 4. WCM's quarterly report _______ the gains the computer company made in its software division. (a) reflect (b) reflects (c) reflector (d) reflection 5. Beginning in August, free parking _______ available to anyone taking the commuter train from Green City. (a) were (b) to be (c) being (d) will be 6. _______ offices were set up in the conference room until building renovations were completed. (a) Test (b) Form (c) Invented (d) Makeshift 7. Ms. Jefferson asked her secretary to _______ the pamphlets into three categories. (a) separate (b) separation (c) separately (d) separateness 8. _______ most of his co-workers, Chris prefers to arrive early for work rather than stay late. (a) Among (b) Except (c) Unlike (d) Following 9. Please _______ the text to the left side of the document and place all titles in bold letters. (a) align (b) spell (c) degree (d) contrast 10. _______ individual merchants provide product prices, C is not responsible for inaccurate price information. (a) For (b) While (c) However (d) Because 11. Cornell SDX has _______ $50 billion in assets, making it the largest investment fund in the market. (a) caused (b) borrowed (c) prevented (d) accumulated 12. Employee contracts are eligible for _______ each year. (a) renew (b) renewal (c) renewed (d) renewing 13. _______ the simplified characters used on the Chinese mainland, traditional Chinese characters are used for writing in Taiwan and Hong Kong. (a) As far as (b) On behalf of


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