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PAGE 精品 摘 要 随着近年来中国经济实力的快速增长和外汇储备的快速增长,这不仅有利于中国参与经济全球化竞争,而且可以极大地提高中国的国际经济地位。然而,国际投资市场并不平静,而是风云变幻,充满风险,特别是2007年美国次债危机的出现和2008年9月美国金融危机的全面爆发,中国巨额外汇储备的保值增值遇到前所未有的考验。随着次贷危机逐渐演变成国际金融危机,且愈演愈烈,中国两万多亿美元的外汇储备面对严峻的挑战,那么如何科学地,有效地,多元化地利用外汇储备以实现保值增值就成为目前我们要迫切研究的课题。 论文首先阐述了我国外汇储备的来源,性质,规模以及运用原则,然后通过分析在金融危机背景下我国外汇储备利用的现状,存在的风险以及其所带来的负面效应等问题,主要从金融类储备资产组合的配置利用和非金融类资产的优化利用两个方面对我国外汇储备的利用提出建议:对金融类资产,可以学习挪威国家的先进经验,针对不同的需求,建立不同的资产组合;对非金融类资产,可将部分外汇储备转化为黄金储备、战略物资储备、能够刺激经济增长的发展性储备、人才储备的综合储备体系,从而真正实现我国外汇储备的保值增值,以促进经济又快又好的发展。 关键词:金融危机;外汇储备;美国国债 Abstract In recent years, with the rapid growth of chinas economic strength and the foreign exchange reserves, which is not only beneficial to chinas participation in the economic globalization competition, but also can greatly enhance chinas international economic status. The international capital market, however, is not calm. It is changeable, full of risk, especially the US subprime mortgage crisis in 2007 and the comprehensive eruption whole world financial crisis in September 2008. We have met an unprecedented trial of how to maintain and increase the value of chinas huge amount of foreign exchange reserves. As the subprime crisis gradually evolved into international financial crisis, and increasingly fierce, more than 2 trillion US dollars of Chinese foreign exchange reserves is facing serious challenges, so how to scientifically and effectively use the foreign exchange reserves has become our essential work of studying. It firstly expounds the origin and nature as well as the scale and applying principles of Chinese foreign exchange reserves , then through the analysis the utilization situation, risk, negative effects of chinas huge amount of foreign exchange reserves. In this paper, the main proposals are performed on two aspects-the financial reserves portfolio configuration and the optimization of non-financial asset classes use. For financial assets, we can learn the advanced experience of the Norway, according to the different needs, to



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