2011年 阅读及英美文学、语言学基础.docxVIP

2011年 阅读及英美文学、语言学基础.docx

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第PAGE 机密 ★ 启用前和使用过程中 厦门大学2011年招收攻读硕士学位研究生 入 学 考 试 试 题 科目代码:814 科目名称:阅读及英美文学、语言学基础 招生专业:英语语言文学、外国语言学及应用语言 考生须知:答题必须使用黑(蓝)色墨水(圆珠)笔;不得直接在试卷(试题纸)或草稿纸上作答;凡未按上述规定作答均不予评阅、判分,后果考生自负。 Part One Reading Comprehension 70 points Directions: Each passage below is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all the questions following the passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage. Passage 1 Bush today insists that he had a great time at Yale and doesn’t recall any unpleasantness. But somewhere along the way he developed a sizable chip on his shoulder. He would later carp about the “self-righteousness” and “intellectual superiority” of the East Coast liberal establishment that took over institutions like Yale in the 1960s. As early as 1964, he had a run-in with one of the avatars of the new order, the Rev. William Sloane Coffin, the Yale chaplain who had turned on his own Andover-and-Skull-and-Bones past to became a fiery radical, advising students to resist the draft. Bush bitterly recalled Coffin’s telling him, after his father had lost the 1964 Senate race in Texas to Ralph Yarborough, “I knew your father, and he lost to a better man.” To Bush, Coffin embodied the “heaviness” and “guilt” of the liberal East. At a time when Yale students agonized endlessly over what to do about the draft, Bush does not appear to have talked much about his own choice. To volunteer for Vietnam would have required an act of boldness and outright defiance. Seeking battle was almost unheard of among undergraduates: it was said that more Yale students were dying in motorcycle accidents than in combat in 1969. At the same time, according to his Yale friend Roland Betts. Bush did not want to politically embarrass his father. Bush Jr. took a respectable hut easy way out, joining the Texas National Guard. Determined to make it on his own, Bush did not tell his father that he was applyi


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