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高频低载振动台结构设计 PAGE PAGE I 高频低载振动台结构设计 摘要 骨质疏松症和骨质疏松性骨折是现代社会危害中老年人健康的多发病状, 特别是中老年妇女。随着时代的发展,科技的进步,物理疗法防治骨质疏松症的基础和临床研究是骨质疏松症防治研究的热门,研究表明,振动因具有良好的促进骨形成的能力,因此在治疗骨质疏松症及预防老年性骨丢失中有广阔的应用前景。 由离心式振动台,扩展延伸到高频底载振动台,机械式的高频控制在100赫兹左右,通过偏心块的左右设计,确定振动方向,振幅大小的调节,则通过电动机间歇时间来确定,振幅的连续则是经过电路控制电动机的间歇运动实现,从而完成设计。 目前,对骨质疏松施加的振动载荷的适合频率和强度的大小还没有明确的结论,通过医院或研究的实验数据确定频率和振幅的范围。使本课题设计的振动台方案达到实验的要求。 关键词:机械振动;高频低载;振动台 Abstract Osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture is the elderly health hazard of common diseases, especially the women.In recent years on the basis of the prevention and control of physical therapy of osteoporosis and osteoporosis prevention and treatment of clinical studies is the popular mechanical vibration is one of the forms of mechanical stimulation, related studies have shown that vibration has a good effect of promoting bone formation, and prevention of age-related bone loss in the treatment of osteoporosis have broad application prospects.. By centrifugal vibration table, extended to the bottom of the high frequency vibration table, mechanical control the high frequency about 100 Hertz, around by eccentric block design, determine the direction of vibration, the adjustment of the amplitude, intermittent time to determine by motor, the amplitude of the continuous is through the circuit control the intermittent movement of the motor, thus complete the design. At present, the vibration load on osteoporosis is suitable for the size of the frequency and intensity of no definite conclusion, through the experiment of the hospital or the data to determine the range of frequency and amplitude.The vibration table scheme of this topic design meet the experimental requirements. Key words: mechanical vibration;High frequency low load; Vibration table 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 摘要 I Abstract 2 1 绪论 1 1.1振动台的种类 1 1.2振动台的应用 1 1.3机械振动的发展现状及趋势 2 1.4机械振动与骨质疏松 4 2 主体方案的确定 5 2.1凸轮式振动台 5 2.2离心式机械振动台 5 2.3方案的选择 6 3 频率和振动幅度的设计 7 3.1机械式高频率的确定 7 3.2振动幅度大小的设计 7 4 激振器主体部位


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