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乳品标准体系中不容忽视的术语标准和工艺过程标准 ———顾佳升  周凌云 — 481 — 专家述评 乳品标准体系中不容忽视的术语标准和工艺过程标准 顾佳升1 ,2  周凌云1 ( 1 中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所 ,动物营养学国家重点实验室 ,北京  100193 ; 2 上海奶业行业协会 ,上海  200072) 摘  要 :“三聚氰胺事件”的发生 ,除了表明个别企业严重缺失诚信外 ,也集中暴露了现行国家乳品标准体系存在 着的结构性缺陷 ,致使国家标准充其量只能勉强应对“发生一个问题补救一个问题”,而缺少应有的前瞻性和指导 性 ,也使政府丧失了应有的食品安全控制的主动权 。本文对现行的我国乳品行业国家标准体系作了分析 ,认为原 因在于标准过度集中在产品和与其配套的检验方法上 ,而术语标准和工艺标准几乎是空白。我们对乳品技术标准 的理解 ,如果长期停留在只重视终端产品标准和与产品配套的检验方法标准上 ,将仅能完成“抽样和检验任务”而 不足以监管生产者的日常行为和规范市场秩序 。 关键词 :乳制品;参考标准 ;工艺学 ;科学术语 Never Ignoring both Terminology and Technological Process Standardization in Dairy Standard System GU Jiasheng , ZHOU Lingyun ( State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition , Institute of Animal Sciences , Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences , Beij ing 100193 , China) Abstract : The outbreak of “Melamine Incident ”, in addition to indicating the serious lack of good honesty and credit in individual enterprises , revealed a structural deficiency in the current national dairy standard system , which result in the national standards barely coping with problems , and staying in “reminding a problem while a problem occurred ”. The lack of dairy standardization both of terminology and process for a long period of time made the governments lack of prospective and instructive , who finally lost due initiative and capacity on the control of food safety. At present , almost all professional national dairy standards issued are concentrated both on products and their related testing methods. On the contrary , the standardization of terminology and technological process was virtually nonexistent . To our knowledge , if the dairy technical standard system stay in payin


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