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/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站 / 专业提供留学生各类essay定制写作服务 留学生Essay写作—气候变化对非洲国家的影响 The Effects of Climate Change on Volatile African Countries In the fall of 2015,United States Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders received an onslaught of criticism when he attributed the rise of terrorism,and the series of Paris terrorist attacks that had just left 130 dead,to climate change.Immediately following the presidential debate,numerous reputable political pundits,from Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan,to Republican Senator and former Chairman of Homeland Security Ron Johnson,voiced their disagreements with Sanders’claim.In fact,soon after the debate ended,Senator Bob Corker from Tennessee was interviewed saying,“I get disappointed when people see momentum around[climate change]and try to attach an unrelated issue to it.”[1](Henry,2015)In fact,in December of that same year,Foreign Policy magazine,a political journal revered for its impartiality,published an article titled,“Stop Saying Climate Change Causes War”refuting both Sanders’claim,and others that sought to connect climate change to the still ongoing devastating Syrian Civil War.While Sanders’cause-and-effect relationship may have been exaggerated,the relationship between extreme weather events,temperature anomalies,and violence is neither baseless nor uncorroborated.In fact,over the last half-decade,numerous studies have been released substantiating the linkage between climate change and armed conflict.In a 2017 study produced by the Brookings Institution,author Vesselin Popovski found that“a 1 percent increase in temperature leads to a 4.5 percent increase in civil war in the same year,and a 0.9 percent increase in the following year”(Popovski,2017)Just a year later,author Robinson Meyer of The Atlantic discovered that out of the ten countries most frequently mentioned in climate change literature,six of them also hold positions in the list of the world’s most violent countries.(Meyer,2018)While there is still little evidence t


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