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苏州大学本科生毕业设计(论文) 应用技术学院 应用技术学院 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 二级学院 商学院 题 目 奔驰汽车的线上营销策略分析 年级 16级 专业 市场营销 班级 16营销(转) 学号 1616937072 学生姓名 吴承叶 指导教师 倪琳 职称 副教授 论文提交日期 2018.4.11 摘 要 近年来,奔驰在华通过精准的品牌营销战略获得了突飞猛进的发展。然而市场环境的变化与消费者偏好的更新换代使得其在品牌营销方面机遇与挑战并存,研究并分析奔驰在华当前及今后的品牌营销战略对于其在中国市场的整体发展具有指导意义。 本文将对汽车行业的线上营运模式及市场状况作出相关的研究,进而对当下汽车行业在国内线上营销管理及营销方法的特性与长远规划进行了总结分析。随后选取了豪华汽车客户进行了研究分析,主要针对现今顾客对于汽车行业的线上营销的看法进行研宄,同时深入分析了与汽车相关的附属汽车用品的网络端运营营销的未来发展动向。基于对当下奔驰汽车企业在进行互联网推广时出现的不利因素的研宄,探讨顾客的选购心理,最后归纳并提出合理化的营销措施。 关键词:线上营销;奔驰品牌;汽车 ABSTRACT In recent years, Mercedes-Benz has achieved rapid development through its accurate brand marketing strategy in China. However, the change of market environment and the replacement of consumer preferences make it possible to cope with both opportunities and challenges in brand marketing. Researching and analyzing the current and future brand marketing strategies of Mercedes-Benz in China has guiding significance for its overall development in the Chinese market. This article will make relevant research on the online business model and market conditions of the auto industry, and then summarize and analyze the characteristics and long-term planning of the current auto industry's domestic online marketing management and marketing methods. Subsequently, luxury car customers were selected for research and analysis, focusing on current customers' views on the online marketing of the automotive industry, and at the same time, in-depth analysis of the future development trend of the network-side operation and marketing of automotive-related auxiliary automotive products. Based on the research on the unfavorable factors in the promotion of Internet promotion in the current Mercedes-Benz car companies, the paper discusses the customer's purchasing psychology, and finally concludes and proposes reasonable marketing measures. Keywords: online marketing; Mercedes-Benz brand; car 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 一、绪论 1 (一)研究背景 1 (二)研究目的与意义 1 (三)研究思路 2 二、相关理论基础与文献综述 2 (一)线上


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