2019-2020学年新培优同步北师大版高中英语必修四练习:Unit 11 The Media Lesson 3 The Advertising Game .docxVIP

2019-2020学年新培优同步北师大版高中英语必修四练习:Unit 11 The Media Lesson 3 The Advertising Game .docx

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Lesson 3 The Advertising Game 课时过关·即时巩固 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子 1.If you want to sell your product well you’d better a        it.? 答案:advertise 2.To a c       extent it was our own fault that we lost the game.? 答案:certain 3.This programme is not s      for children.? 答案:suitable 4.How much will that cost?We have to take our       (预算) into consideration,you know.? 答案:budget 5.In Utopia(《乌托邦》),Plato describes his       (概念) of an ideal society.? 答案:concept 6.V       information is carried from the eyes to the brain by the nerves.? 答案:Visual 7.My grandmother didn’t have much sense of       (幽默),and she could never understand what we were laughing about.? 答案:humour 8.We will be exploring different a      to gathering information.? 答案:approaches 9.The Coca-Cola bottle is one of the       (经典的) designs of the last century.? 答案:classic 10.Many young people prefer to wear clothes and shoes with b       names,such as Nike and Adidas.? 答案:brand 二、单句改错 1.The house has six bedrooms.It would be suitable to for a large family. ? 答案:去掉to 2.Life does not consist with the days that have passed but of the days that we remember. ? 答案:with→of 3.Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educate their children compared with that of their parents. ? 答案:educate→educating 4.The new road signs stand for against dark background. ? 答案:for→out 5.Several local businesses have made c



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