2019-2020学年英语外研版必修3检测:3.2 Grammar .docxVIP

2019-2020学年英语外研版必修3检测:3.2 Grammar .docx

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PAGE Section Ⅱ Grammar 课后篇巩固提升 一、完成句子 1.Don’t let a small disagreement       (毁坏) your friendship.? 答案ruin 2.By the time he got to the school,the first class             (开始).? 答案had begun 3.He asked me                         (出了什么问题) with me.? 答案what was the matter 二、单句改错 1.Great changes have been taken place in my hometown. 答案去掉been 2.Jason said he had been born on April 25,1987 in a small village. 答案had been→was 3.The teacher asked the students that they were interested in English. 答案that→if/whether 4.He asked me whether was I a Party member or a League member. 答案was I→I was 5.I’d like to know when he had begun to learn Chinese. 答案had begun→began 三、将下列直接引语变为间接引语 1.“Do you study English or French?” she asked. She asked  .? 答案whether I studied English or French 2.He asked,“How are you getting along with your school life?” He asked ? .? 答案how I was getting along with my school life 3.“Don’t waste time on the useless things,” said Mary. Mary told me  .? 答案not to waste time on the useless things 4.I said to him,“I lost my money last night.” I told him that  .? 答案I had lost my money the night before 5.She said,“Did you meet this man at the station two hours ago,Mr.Li?” She asked Mr.Li ? .? 答案whether he had met that man at the station two hours before 四、阅读理解 The earthquake that shook Japan with historic strength on March 11,2011,created a tsunami(海啸) wave ten metres high.The water washed away boats,cars and houses in coastal areas north of Tokyo. Scientists recorded the magnitude of the earthquake at 8.9.The United States Geological Survey says it was the fifth largest earthquake since 1900.The largest,with a 9.5 magnitude,shook Chile in 1960. The quake struck near the east coast of Honshu(本州岛),Japan’s main island.It was centred under the sea about one hundred and thirty kilometres east of Sendai(仙台).The tsunami washed away the whole neighbourhoods in Sendai.Many places caught big fires.The quake happened about three hundred and seventy kilometres northeast of Tokyo



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