2019-2020学年新培优同步北师大版高中英语必修四练习:Unit 10 Money Lesson 4 Advertisements .docxVIP

2019-2020学年新培优同步北师大版高中英语必修四练习:Unit 10 Money Lesson 4 Advertisements .docx

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Lesson 4 Advertisements 课时过关·即时巩固 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子 1.It’s an interesting scientific phenomenon,but of no p      use.? 答案:practical 2.So we wanted to make a        (耳机) that was absolutely perfect.? 答案:headphone 3.Hunger is the body’s s      that levels of blood sugar are too low.? 答案:signal 4.I know you need your f       too much to stay with your roommates.? 答案:freedom 5.They         (夸奖) me on the way I looked each time they saw me.? 答案:complimented 6.During my summer holiday last year,I found a part-time job as a       (清洁工人) in KFC.? 答案:cleaner 7.Do you have a         (冰箱) and a dishwasher in the kitchen?? 答案:refrigerator 8.The theatre will provide t       in both English and Chinese.? 答案:translation 9.It was said that he invented the first       (用电的) clock.? 答案:electric 10.She emptied both their cups and switched on the       (水壶).? 答案:kettle 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.We can offer you        (practice) suggestions on how to improve your English.? 答案:practical 2.But I think shopping is not only interesting but also        (relax).? 答案:relaxing 3.He finds it hard       (focus) his thoughts on one thing for more than five minutes.? 答案:to focus 4.The policeman        (signal) to the truck to stop.? 答案:signalled/signals 5.Then I can wear jeans and        (sneaker) for the coming informal party.? 答案:sneakers 6.Today we have the        (free) to decide our own futures.? 答案:freedom 7.Users wear this coat,fasten the belt and wear         (headphone).? 答案:headphones 三、用所给动词的现在分词或过去分词填空 1.a.He brought us a piece of        news.(shock)? b.A        woman told us that she saw a 3-metre-long snake.(shock)? 答案:a.shocking;b.shocked 2.a.China is a        country.(develop)? b.Japan is a        country.(develop)? 答案:a.developing;b.developed 3.a.The film is very       .(bore)? b.We were much       at the film.(bore)? 答案:a.boring;b.bored 4.a.What he said was        .(inspire)? b.We were       by what he said.(inspire)? 答案:a.inspiring;b.inspired 5.a.The book is full of       stories abou



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