2019-2020学年新培优同步北师大版高中英语必修五练习:Unit 13 People Lesson 2 Personalities and Jobs .docxVIP

2019-2020学年新培优同步北师大版高中英语必修五练习:Unit 13 People Lesson 2 Personalities and Jobs .docx

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Lesson 2 Personalities and Jobs 课时过关·即时巩固 一、从方框中选择正确的单词完成句子 A.表示人的特征、品质的形容词 athletic independent neat selfish sharp kind 1.If someone is       ,he or she doesn’t need help or money from anyone else.? 答案:independent 2.Someone who is       behaves in a gentle,caring,and helpful way towards other people.? 答案:kind 3.Someone who is       keeps their home or possessions tidy,with everything in the proper place.? 答案:neat 4.A(n)       person likes to exercise,and is able to perform energetic movements easily.? 答案:athletic 5.If you say someone is       ,you are praising him/her because he/she is able to think and understand things very quickly.? 答案:sharp 6.If a man is       ,he cares only about himself,and not about other people.? 答案:selfish B.表示人的职业的名词 butcher conductor assistant poet translator clerk 7.On a bus,the         is the person whose job is to sell tickets to the passengers.? 答案:conductor 8.A(n)       is a person who writes poems.? 答案:poet 9.Someone’s         is a person who helps him or her in his or her work.? 答案:assistant 10.A(n)       is a person who works in an office,bank,or law court and whose job is to look after the records or accounts.? 答案:clerk 11.A(n)       is a shopkeeper who cuts up and sells meat.Some also kill animals for meat.? 答案:butcher 12.A(n)       is a person whose job is translating writings or speeches from one language to another.? 答案:translator 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.It establishes the basis of confidence,without which you cannot have an attractive         (personal).? 答案:personality 2.A great gift a parent can give is to let a child spread his/her wings and be         (independence).? 答案:independent 3.I tried to thank her several times for her         (kind),but she told me not to mention it.? 答案:kindness 4.What is the minimum entrance         (require) for this course?? 答案:requirement 5.The need to communicate is a key         (character) of human society.? 答案:characteristic 6.Indeed it gives me a great sense of         (satisfy) for teachin



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