2019-2020学年新培优同步北师大版高中英语必修五练习:Unit 14 Careers Communication Workshop & Culture Corner .docxVIP

2019-2020学年新培优同步北师大版高中英语必修五练习:Unit 14 Careers Communication Workshop & Culture Corner .docx

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Communication Workshop & Culture Corner 课时过关·即时巩固 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.My friend says she’s looking forward to        (meet) you.? 答案:meeting 2.She only buys things she has seen        (advertise) on TV.? 答案:advertised 3.The party has many        (commit)supporters.? 答案:committed 4.Today’s approach to        (educate)children is very different from that of 40 years ago.? 答案:educating 5.There were over 500        (apply) for the job.? 答案:applicants 6.A small but         (enthusiasm)crowd cheered as the players ran onto the field.? 答案:enthusiastic 7.Dr Evans thanked him for coming to make the         (present).? 答案:presentation 8.Children are often more        (adapt)than adults.? 答案:adaptable 二、用适当的介词填空 1.It seems to me that he’s not qualified enough to apply      that position.? 答案:for 2.Everyone in the class is expected to participate actively      these discussions.? 答案:in 3.The house is not really suitable      a large family.? 答案:for 4.We’re doing a project      pollution.? 答案:on 5.Peter’s attitude       life really scares me.? 答案:towards/to 三、从方框中选择正确的短语并用它们的适当形式填空 in addition to get on well with due to take on stand out 1.Many students took part in the competition,but only he          .? 答案:stood out 2.Don’t         too much work—the extra pay isn’t worth your health.? 答案:take on 3.Learning                 others should be a part of our school education.? 答案:to get on well with 4.The flight has been delayed for one hour,         the bad weather.? 答案:due to 5.If your partner has a pet that she adores,at Christmas,          buying a gift for your partner,buy a small present for her pet.? 答案:in addition to 四、完成句子 1.The surgeon                an injured nurse.? 外科医生正在给一名受伤的护士做手术。(operate) 答案:is operating on 2. I can’t                my little affairs.? 我不能因自己的那点小事而去打扰他。(bother) 答案:bother him with 3.            /      you know you are wrong,do not be like that again.? 既然你知道自己错了,下次就不要再这样做了。 答案:Now that/Since 4 .It                last night,for the grass is wet.? 昨天夜里一定



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