2019-2020学年新培优同步北师大版高中英语必修五练习:Unit 14 Careers Lesson 4 Job Trends .docxVIP

2019-2020学年新培优同步北师大版高中英语必修五练习:Unit 14 Careers Lesson 4 Job Trends .docx

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Lesson 4 Job Trends 课时过关·即时巩固 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子 1.When something d     ,it becomes less in quantity or size.? 答案:decreases 2.When something m     ,it increases greatly in number or amount.? 答案:multiplies 3.A f      object or material can be bent easily without breaking.? 答案:flexible 4.A c      is a very large area of land,such as Asia or Africa,which usually consists of several countries.? 答案:continent 5.If you o      a business or organisation,you work to keep it running properly.? 答案:operate 6.If you are doing something in c     ,you are physically relaxed and are not feeling any pain or other unpleasant feelings.? 答案:comfort 7.P      is a very strong feeling of anxiety or fear,which makes you act without thinking carefully.? 答案:Panic 8.If you describe someone as d     ,you think they are full of energy.? 答案:dynamic 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.As a qualified premier he is a man of good             (judge).? 答案:judgement/judgment 2.Let me introduce you to Jim now.He’s the manager of our      (divide).? 答案:division 3.By the 1980s,the computer industry was       (boom).? 答案:booming 4.Through a little hole in the wall the children had entered the garden,and they were sitting on the       (branch) of the trees.? 答案:branches 5.The couple were       (similar)successful in their chosen careers.? 答案:similarly 6.She gave up      (go) to the theatre when she moved out of London.? 答案:going 7.I’ll never get all this work       (finish).? 答案:finished 8.I think viewers will be impressed by a film that allows them      (be) a character in the film.? 答案:to be 9.In such dry weather,the flowers will have to         (water) if they are to survive.? 答案:be watered 10.To save money,we even considered         (repair)the car ourselves.? 答案:repairing 三、从方框中选择正确的短语并用它们的适当形式填空 dream of feel like turn over pay off be bored with be curious about in demand in case believe in keep up with 1.I don’t like this soap play.Would you please           to the news on Channel 1?? 答案:turn over 2.Take your skates



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