2019年华为CSR审核文件清单及红线稽核项目CSR Audit Document List.doc

2019年华为CSR审核文件清单及红线稽核项目CSR Audit Document List.doc

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华为CSR审核文件清单及红线稽核项目 CSR Audit Document List 请供应商准备并在在审核前准备以下文件记录,数量较多的请提前打印一份样板。 Please prepare the following documents before audit and prepare a few sample documents. 序号 对应 条款 文件名称 Document Name YES/NO 相关文件名称 File Name 1 1.1 工厂组织架构图,包括CSR/HR/EHS职责分工 Company organization structure including the role and responsibility of CSR/HR/EHS     2 1.2 近期招工广告,招工程序及年龄鉴别方法 Latest recruitment advertisement, procedure and age identification measure     3 1.3 禁止使用童工政策承诺及童工补救程序 Policy statement of prohibiting use of child labor and child labor remedial action     4 1.4 过去12个月全体员工花名册和招工记录(包括派遣工,学生工及临时工) All worker list and recruitment records of latest 12 months including dispatched worker, student worker and temporary worker     5 1.5 过去12个月未成年工清单,未成年工禁忌岗位清单和未成年工保护措施 Young worker list of latest 12 months, restricted work list and protection actions     6 1.7 过去12个月学校合作招工/实习方案,请提供合同及学生工/实习学生/学徒工名单 Recruitment program of apprenticeship/student worker of latest 12 months, and the agreement and student worker list     7 2.2 过去12个月所有员工(包括临时工和派遣工)雇佣合同 employment contracts of all workers including temporary workers and dispatched workers of latest 12 months     8 2.9 保安服务协议及保安员上岗证 Security service agreement and licenses of security guards     9 3.2 禁止歧视政策 non-discrimination policy     10 3.8 员工手册/厂规厂纪,员工奖惩制度及记录 worker manual/Company disciplines, and disciplinary records     11 4.2 工会或其他员工组织的主要成员及活动记录 key members and activity records of trade union or other worker organization     12 4.4 劳资沟通会议计划及记录 labor-management meeting plan and records     13 4.7 过去12个月员工离职记录及分析 worker turnover records and analysis     14 4.8 员工满意度调查及分析 worker satisfaction survey and analysis     15 5.3 最近12个月所有工人考勤表或工时记录 All workers attendance/working hour records of the latest 12 months     16 5.4 最近12个月工作时间/加班统计分析,包括原因分析及控制方法 Working hour/overtime analysis including root cause and control measures of latest 12 months     17 5.7 最近12个月所有工人工资表及工资条样本 workers' payrolls of latest 12 months and a sample of pay slip



