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中国大数据产业竞争力研究 摘要 本文通过理论和实证相结合的方法,基于改进的钻石模型,对中国大数据产 业竞争力进行研究。系统梳理了当前中国大数据产业的现状、特征和存在的问题, 并从理论和实证两方面对中国大数据产业竞争力进行分析。 本文分为三大部分。第一部分是绪论。主要是本文的研究背景、方法和相关 文献梳理。第二部分是正文主体部分。本文从理论、现状和实证这三个方面来分 析中国大数据产业的竞争力。定性分析的结果表明,中国大数据产业仍然处于发 展的初期阶段,相关的政策措施和配套的支持体系都在不断完善,产业规模也在 快速增长。但是,我国目前大数据产业还是存在一些问题的,比如数据安全管理 方面比较薄弱,缺乏核心的技术人员,产业结构不合理等。中国大数据产业竞争 力影响因素的回归模型的回归结果表明,中国目前的大数据产业竞争力主要受到 生产要素、技术和研发能力、相关产业和支持产业、政府这四个因素的影响。市 场需求因素的作用并不明显。第三部分是结论与建议。首先是根据理论、现状和 实证分析,得出相关结论。最后,在结论的基础上,提出针对中国大数据产业发 展的相关建议。 关键词: 大数据产业、竞争力、钻石模型 I ABSTRACT Based on the improved diamond model, this paper studies the competitiveness of China's big data industry by combining theory and demonstration. The current situation, characteristics and existing problems of China's big data industry are systematically sorted out, and the competitiveness of China's big data industry is analyzedfromboththeoretical andempirical aspects. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part is the introduction. It is mainly about the research background, methods and related literature. The second part is the body of the text.Thispaper analyzes the competitiveness of China'sbig data industry from the theoretical, current and empirical aspects. The results of qualitative analysis show that China's big data industry is still in the early stage of development, relevant policies and measures and supporting systems are constantly improving, and the industrial scale is also growing rapidly. However, China's big data industry still has someproblems,such asweak data security management,lack ofcoretechnicalpeople, unreasonable industrial structure and so on. The regression results of the regression model of influencing factors of China's big data industry competitiveness show that China's current big data industry competitiveness is mainly affected by four factors: product


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