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PAGE II PAGE I PAGE I 中文摘要 本研究借由侦测叶绿体 DNA 之 atpB 及 rbcL 基因间的非转译区间序列和 RAPD 分子指纹变异来探讨大安水蓑衣(Hygrophila pogonocalyx Hayata)的亲缘地理型式,大安水蓑衣根据国际自然及自然资源保育联盟 (IUCN)之濒危物种保育等级标准,已可列入严重濒临绝灭级(critically endangered)。由于大安水蓑衣主要依靠蜜蜂传播花粉,其族群间基因交流可能受限于虫媒物种的飞行能力,故推测西台湾与宜兰的族群应具有地理上的隔离,本实验共定序出 8 个族群 70 个个体叶绿体 DNA 之 atpB 及 rbcL 基因间的非转译区间的序列共计 849 碱基对,而在 RAPD 指纹技术共计使用 50 个引子;从 RAPD 指纹技术数据进行统计分析,在阶层性 AMOVA 分析中,显示在地理区间(Φ ct = 0.934; P = 0.048),及族群间(Φ st = 0.945; P < 0.001)皆有明显的分化,而同一区域的不同族群间分化并不显著(Φ sc = 0.169; P < 0.001),利用叶绿体 DNA 数据估算族群间的基因交流值(Nm)和族群间分化指数(Fst),并将族群间地理距离与基因交流值做回归分析,结果呈现负相关,显示大安水蓑衣其遗传分化程度符合「isolation by distance」 模式(R= 0.745);根据由叶绿体 DNA 所构筑的亲缘网状图(minimum spanning network),检测地理形式与 clade 间的关系,显示大安水蓑衣的东西部两大地理区所呈现的地理分布模式,主要是受到过去栖地破碎化(past fragmentation)的影响,而距今五百万年前中央山脉的开始隆起,可能是造成大安水蓑衣地理东西隔离的主因。 Abstract Sequence variation of the atpB-rbcL noncoding spacer region of the chloroplast DNA and RAPD fingerprints were used to reconstruct the phylogeography of Hygrophila pogonocalyx. According to the criteria of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Nature Resources, H. pogonocalyx is on the Red List Category due to its endangered status. Entomophilous plants of H. pogonocalyx are mostly pollinated by honeybees. Gene flow between populations is expected to be constrained by the migratory capacity of the pollinators. Hierarchical AMOVA analyses of RAPD fingerprints data, which used 50 random primers, indicated significant differentiation between geographical regions (Φ ct = 0.934; P = 0.048), among populations (Φ st = 0.945; P < 0.001), and among populations within region (Φ sc = 0.169; P < 0.001). A total of 849 bp of the cpDNA atpB-rbcL spacer was sequenced from 8 populations of H. pogonocalyx. Two geographically based groups, west and east area, were identified by a neighbor-joining tree of cpDNA. Both data revealed that the distribution of genetic variation followed an "isolation by distance" model (in cpDNA, R=0.745). Phylogeographic analysi


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