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另外,在完成此类完形填空的过程中,时刻牢记并搜索其教育意义或内涵,有的文章弘扬人间大爱;有的文章彰显团结合作;有的文章激励人们奋斗拼搏、追逐梦想……。总之,要抓住文章的灵魂,并和叙述的事件有机融合在一起,在此基础上所产生的答案才会合情合理,焉有不对之理? [解析] 作者三岁时看了首都舞蹈团表演后就决心长大后当一名舞蹈演员,那是她的梦想首次生动地、清晰地呈现出来,并且对她开始训练起了重要的作用。结尾语:我在这个舞蹈团中看到了一种传统,这种传统激励了一代又一代的小女孩和一支辉煌的团队不断发展壮大,鼓励人们每天追逐他们的梦想。由结尾段中的“follow their dreams”可知1空应该用dream一词,这样形成前后呼应。 [答案] 1.C 2.C 2019 ppt资料 * 欢迎批评指导!! 放映结束! 感谢聆听! THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! ①__________ __________(关注) any sudden changes in temperature,in case of getting a cold in winter. [答案] Watch for ②________________(注意) a man in a black hat. [答案] Watch out for ③“__________ (当心)!There's a car coming,” the mother shouted to the playing children. [答案] Watch out 用such和so填空 ①It was __________hot a day that nobody wanted to do anything. [答案] so ②It was __________a hot day that nobody wanted to do anything. [答案] such ③Can you believe that __________a little animal can eat __________ much food at a time? [答案] such;so ④There was __________little water left that only little children were given some. [答案] so 用被动语态改写下列句子 ①I have given him the book. ______________________________________________ [答案] He has been given the book by me. ②We have bought a new personal computer. ______________________________________________ [答案] A new personal computer has been bought by us. ③He has thought of a way of solving the problem. ______________________________________________ [答案] A way of solving the problem has been thought of by him. ④He has offered us the most comfortable service. ______________________________________________ [答案] The most comfortable service has been offered to us by him./We have been offered the most comfortable service by him. [基础知识] Ⅰ.语境填词 1.__________(简化) this difficult problem to make it easier to be understood by everyone. [答案] Simplify 2.She suggested that I put some__________(人工的) flowers around the house to make it more colorful. [答案] artificial 3.The article concludes that one's handwriting style is closely related to one's __________(个性). [答案] character 4


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