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生物学通报 Dec. 20, 2019, 46(12): 3453−3460 Microbiology China DOI: 10.13344/j.microbiol.china.190063 tongbao@ /wswxtbcn 专论与综述 大型浅水湖泊鄱阳湖湿地微生物的研究现状 1 1 *1,2 *1 刘亚军 刘欣 牟晓真 吴兰 1 南昌大学 江西 南昌 330031 2 Department of Biological Science, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242, USA 摘 要:鄱阳湖是我国第一大淡水湖泊,同时也是一个典型的季节性通江浅水湖泊,独特的水文特 征和多样的湿地景观类型形成了复杂多样的微生物群落。本文综述了鄱阳湖水文节律、营养盐及重 金属含量对湖泊微生物群落组成的影响,以及水位高程和湿地围垦对鄱阳湖湿地土壤微生物分布特 征的影响,同时还探讨了未来湖泊湿地微生物的研究方向和鄱阳湖所拥有的独特研究条件,以期为 未来湖泊微生物研究提供重要参考。 关键词:鄱阳湖,微生物,水文节律,重金属,高程,围垦 Research status of microorganisms in a large, shallow lake Poyang Lake wetland LIU Ya-Jun1 LIU Xin1 MOU Xiao-Zhen*1,2 WU Lan*1 1 Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi 330031, China 2 Department of Biological Science, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242, USA Abstract: Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China, is a typical seasonal shallow lake. Its unique hydrological characteristics and various wetland landscape types make the microbial communities complex and diverse. This paper summarized the current research status of the microbes in Poyang Lake on: (1) effects of hydrological rhythm, nutrients and heavy metal contents on the composition of microbial community in Poyang Lake; (2) effects of water level elevation and wetland reclamation on soil microbial distribution in Poyang Lake wetland. Meanwhile, the future research direction of microorganism in lake wetland and the unique conditions of Poyang Lake are also discussed, providing an important reference for studying lake microorganisms in the future. Keywords: Poyang Lake, Microorganism, Hydrological rhythm, Heavy metal, Elevation, Reclamation Foundation items: National Natural Science Foundation of China ; Natural Science Foundation of J


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