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自行车停放装置结构设计 教务处制 PAGE PAGE 1 摘 要 随着人们生活水平的不断提高,城市日益增多的车辆占据了大量的有限空间,能源的消耗也日益加剧。在这个大背景下,寻找新的出行方式成为人们要解决的一个大的问题,自行车这种绿色环保的交通工具进入人们视线,但是在现实生活中自行的存放也是一个要解决的问题,怎么样可以解决人们对自行车的乱停乱放并且保证安全成为了一个大的问题。因此,根据现有自行车立体车库的设计,引发思考,设计出了一款既可以节约空间又可以停放更多的自行车的停放装置。 本文主要介绍了一款新型自行车停放装置的设计,对传统自行车停放装置的分析,进行总结优化,确定了本次设计的初步方案,并对所设计的自行车停放装置的工作原理进行介绍,对其主要零部件和机构进行设计,最后完成相应的设计图纸绘制。 关键词:自行车,停放装置,设计 全套图纸加扣?3012250582 Abstract With the continuous improvement of people's living standard, the increasing number of vehicles in cities occupy a large amount of limited space, and the energy consumption is also increasing. Under this big background, looking for a new way to travel to become people to deal with the problem of a big bike this kind of green environmental protection of transportation into the limelight, but in real life to the deposit is also a problem to solve, how to solve the people to the bicycle disorderly parking place and ensure safety has become a big problem. Therefore, according to the design of the existing car stereoscopic garage, the design of a parking device that can save space and park more bicycles is designed. This paper mainly introduces the design of a new type of bicycle device, the analysis of traditional bicycle devices, summarizes optimization, determine the preliminary scheme of the design, and to the work principle of the designed bicycle device is introduced, its main parts and body design, finally complete the corresponding to the design drawing. Keywords: bicycle, parking device, design. 目录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 摘 要 1 Abstract 2 第1章 绪论 5 1.1 选题背景及意义 5 1.2 国内外自行车停放装置的发展现状 6 1.2.1 国内自行车停放装置的发展 6 1.2.2 国外自行车停放装置的发展 7 1.3 本次设计的基本内容 9 第2章 自行车停放装置的总体结构设计 10 2.1基本设计要求 10 2.2 整体设计思路 10 2.3 整体设计方案确定 10 第3章 传动机构的设计 13 3.1 链传动结构设计 13 3.1.1 链条的选型 13 3.1.2 确定润滑方式 13 3.1.3 电动机的选型 13 3.1.4 链条计算 14 3.2 链轮方案设计 15 3.2.1 链轮类型的确定 15 3.2.2 结构型式的确定 15 3.2.3 齿型的确定 15 3.2.4 链轮基本参数 16 3.3 张紧装置 1


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