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Unit1(3) Durability of Concrete 混凝土耐久性 Why These Happen? At present, more and more destructive cases of engineering due to lack of durability not insufficient strength under all kinds of serious conditions and many new questions companying with the development of concrete technology make people pay attention to the durability of concrete. 目前,在各种严峻环境条件下新问题伴随着许多混凝土技术发展而出现,越来越多的由于缺乏耐久性而不是强度不足的工程破坏实例引起了人们对混凝土耐久性的关注。 The idea of which concrete should be designed according to durability instead of strength was accepted widely. 耐久性设计代替强度设计的观点越来越广泛被人们所接受。 lacking inadquate deficient attach importance to lay emphasis on think highly of value/emphasize replace take the place of in place of subsitute for The durability of concrete can be defined as its resistance to deterioration resulting from external and internal causes. 混凝土的耐久性被定义为混凝土对于外部、内部原因引起劣化的抵抗能力。 deterioration:劣化、恶化、退化 degradation v.deteriorate: degenerate/worsen The external causes include the effects of environmental and service conditions to which concrete is subjected, such as weathering, chemical actions and wear. 外部原因包括混凝土所受的环境和使用条件的影响,如风化,化学作用和磨损。 be subjected to:易受......影响/ 受到...... be susceptible to/be liable to/be apt to consist comprise be composed of be made up of The internal causes are the effects of salts, particularly chlorides and sulphates in the constituent materials, interaction between the constituent materials, such as alkali aggregate reaction, volume changes, absorption and permeability. 内部原因是组成材料中盐的影响,特别是氯化物和硫酸盐,与组成材料之间的相互作用。如碱骨料反映,体积变化,吸水性和渗透性。 be absorbed in concentrate on be immersed in be occupied in In order to produce a durable concrete care should be taken to select suitable constituent materials. 为了生产高耐久性的混凝土,人们应该注意选择合适的组成材料。 It is also important that the mix contains adequate quantities of materials in proportions suitable for producing a homogeneous and fully compacted concrete mass. 为生产均匀致密的混凝土,使各组成材料配比得当,这一点也是非常重要的。


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