土木工程专业英语Unit 15 Construction contracts and Bidding.ppt

土木工程专业英语Unit 15 Construction contracts and Bidding.ppt

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Construction Contracts and Bidding 建设工程合同和招标投标 Unit 15 内容提要 本章引言:建设工程合同也称建设工程承发包合同,是指由承包人进行工程建设,发包人支付价款的合同。 本章重点: 合同的作用 合同文件的组成 合同的类型 招标过程 PartIConstruction Contracts 课前知识拓展: ARCHITECICAL WORK CONTACT This contact is made at___ on ____ between Mr. ____, having a principal place of business at No.____, ____Road, Tambon ___, District of ____, Province of ___, hereinafter called the “Employer”, and Mr.___, hereinafter called the “Architect”. Parties to the contract agree as follows: 1. The Employer assigns the Architect to design a draft and construction plans including details of the building at the site of business of ____ and to supervise architectural work, with an approximate budget of ___ baht (baht ___), which will be constructed on the land area marked in red on the chart attached to this contract; suggestions of details concerning architectural services shall also be part of this contract. 2. The Employer requires the Architect design an architectural work of the type of ___ for ___ units, incorporating the following details of the Employer’s specification when designing: 2.1 ______ 2.2 ______ …… 2.10 ______ 3. The Architect agrees to: 3.1 design the first draft by the ___ day of ___ 19___ 3.2 design construction plans and details within ___ days of receiving written approval of the draft from the Employer; the period of which shall be extended proportionately if there are any changes in the approved specifications. 3.3 assist the Employer select constructors; 3.4 submit 6 sets of construction plans and details to the Employer; 3.5 assist the Employer in requesting a municipal permit, the fees of which shall be paid by the Employer; submit request for a building construction permit and other necessary permit s required for such construction from the municipality or other relevant government agencies, the costs and fees of which shall be paid by the Employer. 4. The Employer shall pay fees to the Architect in accordance with the regulations of the Asso


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