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PAGE I PAGE I 摘 要 本设计是对给定的形支撑板进行落料冲孔复合模具、弯曲模具的设计,支撑板所用的材料为Q235A,生产批量为大批量生产。首先,进行工艺分析,通过对支撑板材料、结构、精度分析及模具方案比较,确定使用一套落料冲孔复合模与一套弯曲模进行成形。设计落料冲孔复合模,先选定工艺方案,选定工艺方案后进行毛坯的尺寸计算。计算出来后,根据毛坯的尺寸来计算凸、凹模的尺寸,并且进行冲裁模零件的选取。接着是弯曲模的设计。主要是弯曲力的计算,选用模具进行弯曲,主要零件的尺寸计算,确定凹模的外形尺寸等,选择压力机型号和校核所选用的压力机是否符合。最后用UG和CAD进行两副模具的三维建模、装配图和爆炸图的绘制。 关键词:落料 ,冲孔 ,弯曲,复合模 ,工艺分析 PAGE PAGE II Abstract This is a design that is for the design of a shape given support plate blanking and punching compound die and bending die.The material of support plate is Q235A and the production batch is large.Firstly, do the process analysis - by the analysis of the material,structure and precision of the support plate and the comparison of die program-determining to use a set of blanking and punching compound die and bending die to form.When design the blanking and punching compound die,we should decide the process program and calcualte the size of the plate after finishing the process scheme.After getting the results,according to the calculation of blank size ,we should calculate the size of the convex and concave die and then selected blanking die parts according to the relevant data.The next is the design of blengding die.Mainly the calculation of bending force, choose what the mold to blend the calculation of the size of the main parts , determine the shape of the die size, etc., choose press type and check the press machine.Finally using the UG and CAD tools to draw the two pairs of mold assembly drawing,the drawing of 3 d modeling and explosive picture. Key words: blanking, punching,blend,compound die,process analysis PAGE PAGE I 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \u 27941 摘 要 I 17164 Abstract II 30451 目 录 i 8858 1 绪论 1 20738 1.1课题的意义及研究的必要性 1 23390 冲压有如下特点: 1 15998 1.2冲压技术简介 1 1458 1.3冲压工艺的应用 1 13843 2 冲压零件工艺分析 2 10353 2.1冲压零件工艺分析 2 18657 2.1.1材料分析 2 7784 2.1.2结构分析 2 24831 2.1.3精度分析 3 22690 2.2模具工艺方案的确定 3 22706 2.2.1方案的比较 3 29704 2.2.2方案分析 3 7722 3 落料冲孔复合模的设计 4 32582 3.


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